Elementalist : Specializations

Fire top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Empowering Flame   Gain power while in fire attunement.
Burning Precision 5 Burning you inflict has increased duration and your critical hits gain a chance to inflict burning.
Conjurer   Gain fire aura when an ally picks up a conjured weapon.
Burning Fire 60 Cast Lesser Cleansing Fire when you have a number of conditions on you.
Tier: Master
Sunspot   Gain a fire aura, and damage nearby foes when you attune to fire. Also triggers on overload skills.
Burning Rage   Sunspot inflicts burning, and its radius is increased. Your condition damage is increased.
Smothering Auras   Fire auras have increased duration. Applying auras to allies removes conditions, and transmuting auras removes conditions from nearby allies.
Power Overwhelming   While at or above the might threshold, gain increased power. Power bonuses are doubled while attuned to fire.
Tier: Grandmaster
Pyromancer's Training   Your fire-weapon skills gain reduced recharge. Deal increased strike damage to burning foes.
Persisting Flames   Fire fields created by weapon skills last longer. Whenever your fire fields hit a foe, gain increased strike damage for a duration.
Pyromancer's Puissance   Gain might for using any skill while attuned to fire. When leaving fire attunement or successfully completing a fire overload, unleash a Flame Expulsion.
Blinding Ashes   Inflict blindness on foes you burn. This trait can only affect the same enemy once per interval.

Air top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Zephyr's Speed   Your chance to critically strike is increased. While attuned to air, your movement speed is also increased.
Zephyr's Boon   Grant boons to allies you grant auras to.
One with Air   Gain superspeed when attuning to air.
Ferocious Winds   Gain ferocity based on your precision.
Tier: Master
Electric Discharge   Strike your target with a bolt of lightning when attuning to air. Also triggers on overload skills.
Inscription   Gain boons upon casting a glyph based on your attunement.
Raging Storm 8 Critically striking a foe grants fury. Gain ferocity while under the effects of fury.
Stormsoul   Deal increased strike damage to disabled or defiant foes. Outgoing stun duration increased. Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Tier: Grandmaster
Aeromancer's Training   Gain ferocity, and gain additional ferocity while attuned to air. Air weapon skills get a reduced recharge time.
Bolt to the Heart   Deal increased strike damage to enemies below the health threshold.
Fresh Air   Recharge air attunement on a critical hit. Gain a ferocity boost when attuning to air.
Lightning Rod   Cast Lightning Rod when you disable a foe. Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knock down, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.

Earth top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Stone Flesh   Strike damage taken is reduced while attuned to earth.
Earth's Embrace 15 Gain resistance after using a healing skill.
Serrated Stones   Bleeding you inflict has increased duration. Deal increased damage to bleeding foes.
Elemental Shielding   Auras you grant to allies also grant protection.
Tier: Master
Earthen Blast   Gain barrier and cripple nearby foes when attuning to earth. Also triggers on overload skills. Barrier will not be gained when attuning to the same element.
Strength of Stone 3 Gain condition damage based on your toughness. Inflict bleeding when you immobilize a foe. Bleeding can only occur on the same target once per interval.
Rock Solid   Grant stability to nearby allies when attuning to earth. Note: This effect will not trigger when attuning to the same element.
Earthen Blessing   Decrease the duration of movement-impairing conditions applied to you. Restore endurance when you receive one of these conditions.
Tier: Grandmaster
Geomancer's Training   Strike damage from nearby foes is reduced. Earth weapon skills gain reduced recharge.
Diamond Skin 1 Remove conditions from yourself when you successfully combo a field with a leap finisher. Remove conditions from nearby allies when you successfully combo a field with a blast finisher.
Written in Stone 25 Signets continue to grant their passive bonuses while recharging. Gain an aura when you use a signet skill.
Stone Heart   You cannot be critically hit for a duration of time after entering or exiting earth attunement. Remaining effect duration is lost when exiting.

Water top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Soothing Mist   You and nearby allies recover health while you are attuned to water.
Soothing Ice 15 Gain regeneration and frost aura when you use a healing skill.
Piercing Shards   Vulnerability you inflict has increased duration. Deal increased strike damage to vulnerable foes. Damage bonus is doubled while attuned to water.
Stop, Drop, and Roll 10 Dodging removes burning and chilled from nearby allies.
Tier: Master
Healing Ripple   Heal nearby allies when attuning to water. This effect will not trigger when attuning to the same element, but will be triggered by overload skills.
Soothing Disruption   Cantrips grant boons.
Cleansing Wave   Remove conditions from nearby allies when attuning to water.
Flow like Water 4 Deal increased strike damage, which is further increased while your health is above the threshold. Blocking or evading an attack heals you.
Tier: Grandmaster
Aquamancer's Training   Increase healing to other allies. Water-weapon skills gain reduced recharge.
Cleansing Water   Cleanse conditions from allies you grant regeneration to.
Powerful Aura   Any aura you grant yourself is granted to nearby allies.
Soothing Power   Gain vitality. Soothing Mist is more effective.

Arcane top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Arcane Prowess   Gain boons when you switch attunements.
Arcane Precision 3 Your critical strikes have a chance to inflict a condition based on your attunement.
Renewing Stamina 10 Gain vigor when you critically strike a foe.
Arcane Restoration   Swapping attunements restores health.
Tier: Master
Elemental Attunement   Grant a boon to nearby allies when changing attunements. Note: This effect will not trigger when attuning to the same element.
Arcane Resurrection 20 Cast Geyser when you begin reviving a downed ally. Geyser now partially revives downed allies. When you begin reviving an ally, you gain an aura based on your attunement.
Elemental Lockdown 1 When you disable a foe, gain a boon based upon your current attunement.
Final Shielding   Cast Lesser Arcane Shield when you use an elite skill.
Tier: Grandmaster
Elemental Enchantment   Gain concentration and your attunements gain reduced recharge.
Evasive Arcana   Cast a skill when you dodge based on your attunement.
Arcane Lightning   Arcane skills grant increased ferocity and have additional effects.
Bountiful Power   Deal increased strike damage for each boon on you.

Tempest Elite Specialization top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Singularity   Attain elemental singularity by remaining in an attunement for a period of time. Upon attaining singularity, you may overload the attunement to your vicinity. Gain access to Shouts.
Gale Song   Grant protection to nearby allies when you use a healing skill.
Latent Stamina 10 Grant vigor to nearby allies when attuning to water. Restore endurance to allies you grant vigor.
Unstable Conduit   Overloads grant an aura based on your attunement.
Tier: Master
Gathered Focus   Your concentration is increased.
Tempestuous Aria   Using a shout grants allies might. Granting an aura to an ally increases your outgoing damage for a period of time.
Harmonious Conduit   Gain stability and swiftness when starting an overload.
Invigorating Torrents   Auras you grant also grant regeneration and vigor.
Tier: Grandmaster
Hardy Conduit   Overloads grant protection to nearby allies. Protection gains increased damage reduction.
Transcendent Tempest   Time to attain singularity is reduced. Upon successfully completing an overload, gain increased damage.
Lucid Singularity   Apply boons to nearby allies while channeling overloads and when successfully completing an overload channel.
Elemental Bastion 40 Heal allies you grant an aura to. Grant frost aura to nearby allies when struck while below the health threshold.

Weaver Elite Specialization top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Weaver   Your active attunement is now applied to your main hand, with the old attunement moving to your off hand. Attunement recharges are reduced. Gain access to Dual Attack and the Stance utility types.
Superior Elements 10 Dual Attack skills weaken enemies. Attacks against weakened foes have increased critical chance.
Elemental Pursuit 10 Gain superspeed when inflicting inhibiting conditions on enemies.
Master's Fortitude   Gain increased vitality when wielding a sword. Gain bonus vitality based on a portion of your power and condition damage.
Tier: Master
Elemental Refreshment   Grant barrier to yourself and nearby allies when using Dual Attack skills.
Weaver's Prowess   Gain increased condition damage and duration for a period of time after attuning to a different element.
Swift Revenge   Gain swiftness when using a Dual Attack. Deal increased strike damage to enemies while under the effects of swiftness or superspeed.
Bolstered Elements 70 Gain protection when activating a Stance. Activate Lesser Stone Resonance when struck while below the health threshold.
Tier: Grandmaster
Elemental Polyphony   Gain attributes based on your current attunement. When dual attuned, gain both benefits.
Elements of Rage   Gain a bonus to all damage dealt for a period of time when attuned to a single element. Gain precision based on a percentage of your vitality.
Woven Stride 5 Gain swiftness when you are inflicted with inhibiting conditions. When gaining either superspeed or swiftness, also gain regeneration and cleanse a condition. Swiftness has increased effectiveness.
Invigorating Strikes   Gain vigor when using a Dual Attack. Dodge rolling grants a barrier.

Catalyst Elite Specialization top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Depth of Elements   Build up elemental energy when you strike foes. Energy is consumed to imbue the jade sphere with different elements, creating combo fields and granting boons to allies in the area.
Gain access to Augments.
Hardened Auras   Damage reduction is increased when you grant yourself an aura. When this triggers, the duration of all stacks are refreshed.
Vicious Empowerment ¼ Gain Elemental Empowerment and might when you disable or immobilize a foe.
Energized Elements   Gain energy and boons when you switch attunements. Energy can only be gained while in combat.
Tier: Master
Elemental Empowerment 15 Gain Elemental Empowerment while in combat.
Empowering Auras   Gain increased outgoing damage when you grant yourself an aura. When this triggers, refresh the duration of all stacks.
Evasive Empowerment 1 Gain Elemental Empowerment and vigor when evading an attack.
Spectacular Sphere   Your jade sphere is larger and grants quickness and an additional boon based on your current attunement to nearby allies when activated.
Tier: Grandmaster
Elemental Epitome 10 Gain an aura based on your current attunement when you combo. Gain Elemental Empowerment when you grant yourself an aura. Auras can be gained this way once per attunement per interval.
Staunch Auras   Gain stability when you grant yourself an aura.
Empowered Empowerment   Elemental Empowerment is more effective. While at maximum stacks of Elemental Empowerment, its effectiveness is increased further.
Sphere Specialist   Boons applied by your jade sphere have increased duration.
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