Mesmer : Shatter


Mesmer has special abilities to control his illusions - Shattering. They allows Mesmer to destroy his illusions and create a secondary effect.

  Skill Description
Mind Wrack   12 Shatter. Destroy all your clones, damaging nearby foes. The shatter effect also occurs at your location.
Cry of Frustration   25 Shatter. Destroy all your clones, confusing nearby foes. The shatter effect also occurs at your location.
Diversion   38 Shatter. Destroy all your clones, dazing their targets. The shatter effect also occurs at your location.
Distortion   50 Shatter. Gain distortion and destroy all your clones, gaining additional distortion for each one shattered.

Chronomancer top

Chronomancer receives new shatters that replace the four core shatters. Chronomancer shatters require at least 1 clone to activate, and unlike core shatters they do not replicate the shatter effect on the mesmer.

  Skill Description
Split Second   12 Shatter. Destroy all your clones, damaging nearby foes. Strikes again after a delay. Shatter traits only affect the first strike of this skill.
Rewinder   30 Shatter. Destroy all your clones, confusing nearby foes and recharging this skill for each clone shattered.
Time Sink   38 Shatter. Destroy all your clones, dazing and slowing their targets.
Distortion   50 Shatter. Gain distortion and destroy all your clones, gaining additional distortion for each one shattered.
Continuum Split   105 Shatter. Destroy all your clones and create a rift in the space-time continuum. When it expires, you will revert back to your original point with your previous health, endurance, and skill recharges. Duration increases with each illusion shattered. This skill's recharge cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
  Continuum Shift     Revert back to the previous timeline. Your health, endurance and cooldowns are reverted to their previous states. You are transported back prematurely if the rift is destroyed.

Mirage top

Mirage is an elite specialization for the mesmer. It replaces the mesmer's dodge ability with Mirage Cloak. Ambush skills become available for a short time whenever you gain Mirage Cloak.

  Skill Description
Split Surge 1 Ambush. Shoot a beam at a targeted foe, and secondary beams at foes near your target.
Effervescence ¼ 1 Ambush. Spray invigorating magic, damaging enemies and healing allies.
Fractured Glass 1 1 Ambush. Pierce targets in front of you in a flurry of blows, leaving them vulnerable.
Chaos Vortex 1 1 Ambush. Release a vortex of chaos energy that inflicts damaging conditions on foes. Allies near you gain boons.
Clones using this attack grant their boons around you instead of themselves.
Imaginary Axes ½ 1 Ambush. Release phantasmal axes that seek out the nearest target after a short delay.
Phantom Razor ¾ 1 Ambush. Slice your foe with a flurry of blades. Each blade inflicts different conditions.
Ether Barrage 1 Ambush. Launch a barrage of chaos orbs at your foe, inflicting either confusion or torment each hit. Condition duration halved for clones.
Mirage Thrust ¾ 1 Ambush. Lunge at your foe and strike them with your sword, briefly dazing them. Leave behind a clone at your original location.
Ambush Assault 1 Ambush. Blink to your target and unleash a series of low-damage strikes that rapidly stack vulnerability.
Wave of Panic ½ 1 Ambush. Release a wave of energy that interrupts and confuses foes.

Virtuoso top

Virtuoso is an elite specialization for the mesmer. It replaces the mesmer's shatters with bladesongs requiring blade charges. Virtuoso creates blades with some skills and instead of clone summoning.

  Skill Description
Bladesong Harmony ¾ 12 Bladesong. Fire all stocked blades at your target.
Bladesong Sorrow ½ 20 Bladesong. Fire all stocked blades, inflicting your target with conditions.
Bladesong Dissonance ½ 20 Bladesong. Combine all your blades into one large blade that dazes targets based on the number of blades consumed.
Bladesong Distortion   50 Bladesong. Gain distortion and consume all stocked blades, gaining additional distortion for each consumed blade.
Bladeturn Requiem   35 Bladesong. Send your blades spinning around you to hit nearby foes. Spinning blade duration scales with number of blades consumed.
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