
The great thing about minions is that they never last long enough to work up a horrid stench.

Practitioners of the dark arts, necromancers summon the dead, wield the power of lost souls, and literally suck the life force from the enemy. Necromancers feed on life force, which they can use to bring allies back from the brink or cheat death itself.

Necromancer is a Scholar, and he wears light armor. Necromancer can use two weapon sets in combat.

Available weapons

Twohands weapon: Greatsword Spear Staff Reaper    
In the main hand: Axe Dagger Pistol Scepter Sword     Harbinger    
In the off hand: Dagger Sword Focus Torch Warhorn       Scourge  
Aquatic weapon: Spear Trident

See details:

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