Revenant : Legends


Revenant can have two legendary stances equipped, and of these only one can be active at any given time. As well as weapon swapping they can swap between channeling two legends. Channeling replaces the last five skill slots on the skill bar, depending on the current legend. Also Revenants use a resource called energy, which regenerates over time. Activating skills uses energy, some even degenerating energy while active, making energy management critical for gameplay.

  Skill Description
Legendary Dwarf Stance       10 Invoke the power of the legendary dwarf King Jalis Ironhammer.
Legendary Demon Stance       10 Invoke the power of the legendary demon Mallyx the Unyielding.
Legendary Centaur Stance       10 Invoke the power of the legendary centaur Ventari.
Legendary Assassin Stance       10 Invoke the power of the legendary assassin Shiro Tagachi.
Additional Skills
Ancient Echo ½     20 Refresh your bond with your channeled legend, gaining energy and legend-specific effects.

Herald top

Herald can choose to channel the Legendary Dragon Stance, focusing on giving out boons to allies with various energy upkeep skills. Ancient Echo is replaced by Facet of Nature, supporting allies based on the currently active legend.

  Skill Description
Legendary Dragon Stance       10 Invoke the power of the legendary dragon Glint.
Additional Skills
Facet of Nature     -3   Legendary Dragon. Facet. Place the Facet of Nature on yourself to grant nearby allies enhancements based on your channeled legend.
  True Nature ¼     20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Consume Facet of Nature to unify allies, granting them your boons. Facet of Nature will be disabled while this skill is recharging.
  True Nature ¼     20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Grant stability to nearby allies.
  True Nature ¼     20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Transfer conditions to nearby enemies. Gain might for each condition transferred.
  True Nature ¼     20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Cleanse conditions from nearby allies. Heal for each condition removed.
  True Nature ¼     20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Strip boons from nearby enemies.
  True Nature ¼     20 Legendary Dragon. Consume. Increase the duration of allies' boons. Remove conditions from allies.

Renegade top

Renegades can choose to channel the Legendary Renegade Stance, focusing on summoning warband members on the battlefield. Ancient Echo is replaced by three Citadel Order skills.

  Skill Description
Legendary Renegade Stance       10 Invoke the power of the legendary charr renegade, Kalla Scorchrazor.
Additional Skills
Heroic Command ½ 5   10 Citadel Order. Refresh the duration of your Kalla's Fervor and grant nearby allies might for every stack.
Citadel Bombardment ¾ 25   15 Citadel Order. Open a portal through the mists of time, unleashing a storm of artillery from the united legions.
Orders from Above   20   20 Citadel Order. Orders from above arrive, renewing your abilities and those of your nearby allies.

Vindicator top

Vindicator can choose to channel the Legendary Alliance Stance, that gives him power of ancient Luxon's and Kurzick's Champions simultaneously. Instead of dodging, Vindicator delivers a powerful blow from above, striking foes when hi hits the ground.

  Skill Description
Legendary Alliance Stance       10 Invoke the power of the legendary champions Archemorus and Saint Viktor.
Additional Skills
Energy Meld ½ 10   30 Gain endurance.
Alliance Tactics       10 Swap your Legendary Alliance Stance skills.
Dodge Replacement Skills
Tenacious Ruin         Instead of dodging, deliver a powerful blow from above, striking foes when you hit the ground.
Death Drop         Drop from above, delivering a massive strike on the focused area.
Imperial Impact         Drop from above, delivering a powerful attack to enemies while granting boons to allies.
Saint's Shield         Drop from above, granting barrier and healing to allies in the affected area.
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