"Save Yourselves!"

Shout. Draw conditions from nearby allies to yourself. Gain multiple boons for a short duration.

Fury (10 sec): +20% Critical Chance
Might (10 sec): +30 Power; +30 Condition Damage
Protection (10 sec): -33% Incoming Damage
Regen (10 sec): 1300 Heal
Resolution (10 sec): Incoming condition damage decreased by 33%
Swiftness (10 sec): +33% Movement Speed
Vigor (10 sec): +50% Endurance Regeneration
Resistance (3 sec): Nondamaging conditions currently on you are ineffective
Number of Targets: 5
Range: 600
Breaks Stun

  • 40


  • 25
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Since 2012 we are providing the Guild Wars 2 community with our website and our build editor, and we hope that you are satisfied with the quality of our resource. Unfortunately "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch" – it takes a lot of time and work to keep everything up-to-date and there are of course monthly fees for the dedicated server hosting.

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