Elementalist : Skills

Weapon skills

Hammer Twohands top

  Skill Type Description
Singeing Strike   ½   Singe your foes by unleashing a burst of flame from your hammer.
Surging Flames   ¾ 8 Sweep your hammer forward to send flames rushing at your enemies.
Flame Wheel     18 Summon a projectile of fire that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  Grand Finale   ¾ 15 Redirect any active circular projectiles toward your target.
Triple Sear   ¾ 15 Sear a path to burn your enemies.
Molten End   1 20 Slam your hammer into the ground, damaging nearby enemies. If this strikes a burning enemy, gain offensive boons.
Stream Strike Chain ½   Strike your foe with a watery blow.
  Water Rush Chain ½   Slam your foe with a rush of water.
  Chilling Crack   ½   Crack the ground to chill your foes.
Rain of Blows   6 Strike your foes repeatedly. Enemies hit by all strikes become chilled.
Icy Coil     18 Summon a projectile of ice that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  Grand Finale   ¾ 15 Redirect any active circular projectiles toward your target.
Crashing Font   ¾ 20 Leap at your target and strike nearby foes. Heal for each target struck. Heal for a lesser amount for each target struck beyond the first.
Cleansing Typhoon   ½ 25 Cleanse conditions from yourself, then strike nearby foes. Cleanse an additional condition for each target struck.
Wind Slam   ¾   Slam your foe with a gust of wind.
Hurricane of Pain   3 10 Manifest a powerful cyclone at the target location, periodically damaging enemies.
Crescent Wind     18 Summon a projectile of air that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  Grand Finale   ¾ 15 Redirect any active circular projectiles toward your target.
Wind Storm   ½ 20 Release a burst of air to knock down your enemies and gain superspeed.
Shock Blast   ¼ 25 Fire a blast of lightning that explodes when it reaches its destination, stunning nearby foes.
Stonestrike   ¾   Arc your hammer, creating a ring of jagged rock to damage your enemies.
Whirling Stones   2 8 Encase your hammer with earthen spikes to deliver a powerful blow.
Rocky Loop     18 Summon a projectile of earth that circles around you, damaging foes. While this projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  Grand Finale   ¾ 15 Redirect any active circular projectiles toward your target.
Immutable Stone   20 Block the next incoming attack. If you block an attack, gain barrier and an aura based on your current attunement.
Ground Pound   1 25 Smash your hammer into the ground to bleed and immobilize your enemies.
Dual Orbits: Fire and Water Dual Attack   18 Summon projectiles of fire and ice that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the fire projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. While the ice projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  Grand Finale   ¾ 15 Redirect any active circular projectiles toward your target.
Dual Orbits: Fire and Air Dual Attack   18 Summon projectiles of fire and air that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the fire projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. While the air projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  Grand Finale   ¾ 15 Redirect any active circular projectiles toward your target.
Dual Orbits: Fire and Earth Dual Attack   18 Summon projectiles of fire and earth that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the fire projectile is active, it grants you increased outgoing damage. While the earth projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  Grand Finale   ¾ 15 Redirect any active circular projectiles toward your target.
Dual Orbits: Water and Air Dual Attack   18 Summon projectiles of ice and air that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the ice projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. While the air projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  Grand Finale   ¾ 15 Redirect any active circular projectiles toward your target.
Dual Orbits: Water and Earth Dual Attack   18 Summon projectiles of ice and earth that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the ice projectile is active, you take reduced damage from conditions. While the earth projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  Grand Finale   ¾ 15 Redirect any active circular projectiles toward your target.
Dual Orbits: Air and Earth Dual Attack   18 Summon projectiles of air and earth that circle around you, striking enemies they pass through. While the air projectile is active, your chance to critically strike is increased. While the earth projectile is active, you take reduced damage from strikes. Summoning a circular projectile refreshes the duration of all other circular projectiles.
  Grand Finale   ¾ 15 Redirect any active circular projectiles toward your target.

Spear Twohands top

  Skill Type Description
Flame Spear   ¾   Throw a spear of flame at your foe.
Blazing Barrage   ½ 6 Unleash a volley of blazing spears, damaging foes in the area.
Seethe   ½ 15 Gain boons. Your next spear skill deals increased damage.
Meteor   ¾ 15 Conjure a meteor at the target location, damaging enemies. Enemies at the center of the impact take increased damage.
Etching: Volcano   ¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that creates a violent eruption. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
  Lesser Volcano   ¾   Create a violent eruption that damages foes. Damage is reduced on subsequent hits against the same foe.
  Volcano   ¾   Create a violent eruption that damages foes. Damage is reduced on subsequent hits against the same foe.
Restorative Spear   ¾   Throw a spear of water at your foe that heals you when it strikes.
Ice Beam   1 8 Chill enemies with a beam of ice.
Ripple   ¾ 18 Evade attacks and remove conditions from yourself. Your next spear skill recharges faster.
Undertow   ½ 25 Conjure a whirlpool at the target location, pulling enemies in. Enemies at the center of the whirlpool are slowed.
Etching: J?kulhlaup   ¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that invokes a glacial flood. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
  Lesser J?kulhlaup   ¾   Invoke a glacial flood that damages enemies. Heal for each target struck.
  J?kulhlaup   ¾   Invoke a glacial flood that damages enemies. Heal for each target struck.
Lightning Javelin   ¾   Launch a spear of lightning that makes your foe vulnerable.
Fulgor   ¾ 6 Create a storm of lightning that inflicts damage over time to affected foes.
Energize     15 Gain superspeed. Your next spear skill always critically strikes.
Twister   ¾ 20 Conjure a twister at the target location, making foes vulnerable. Foes in the center of the twister are lifted into the air.
Etching: Derecho   ¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that summons an intense windstorm. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
  Lesser Derecho   ¾   Summon an intense windstorm that damages and dazes foes.
  Derecho   ¾   Summon an intense windstorm that damages and dazes foes.
Stone Strike   ¾   Toss a light spear of stone to bleed your foe.
Earthen Spear   ¾ 6 Hurl a heavy earthen spear that cripples your foe.
Harden     18 Gain barrier. Your next spear skill inflicts daze.
Fissure   ¾ 20 Create a fissure at the target location, crippling foes. Foes at the center of the fissure take increased damage and are weakened.
Etching: Haboob   ¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that unleashes a devastating dust storm. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
  Lesser Haboob   ¾   Unleash a devastating dust storm that damages and debilitates enemies.
  Haboob   ¾   Unleash a devastating dust storm that damages and debilitates enemies.
Frostfire Ward Dual Attack   15 Gain fire and frost aura. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.
Galvanize Dual Attack   15 Gain might and superspeed. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.
Fiery Impact Dual Attack   15 Gain stability. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.
Elutriate Dual Attack   20 Remove a damaging and a nondamaging condition from yourself. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.
Soothing Burst Dual Attack   20 Heal yourself. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.
Shale Storm Dual Attack   18 Create a brief storm of whirling rocks that destroy incoming projectiles. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.

Staff Twohands top

  Skill Type Description
Fireball   1   Cast a fireball that explodes on impact and hits multiple foes.
Lava Font     6 Make lava erupt from the target area.
Flame Burst   ½ 10 Burn foes at the target location.
Burning Retreat     18 Quickly roll backward, leaving behind a line of fire that burns.
Meteor Shower   30 Call down a meteor shower onto the target area. Damage is reduced per target each time they are struck by this ability.
Water Blast   ¾   Spray a jet of water at your foe that splashes to heal nearby allies.
Ice Spike   ¾ 6 Drop a giant ice spike on foes to make them vulnerable.
Geyser   ¾ 20 Create a geyser to heal nearby allies.
Frozen Ground     25 Coat the target area in ice, chilling foes that enter it. Grant frost aura to allies in the area.
Healing Rain   1 35 Call down a healing rain on the target area, granting regeneration to allies and curing conditions once every three seconds. Allies are healed for each condition removed.
Chain Lightning   ¾   Hit multiple foes with arcs of chain lightning.
Lightning Surge   1 6 Charge a lightning surge that damages and blinds foes near your target when it discharges.
Gust   ¼ 25 Push foes backward with a burst of air.
Windborne Speed   ¼ 20 You and nearby allies gain swiftness, while curing crippled, immobilized, and chilled.
Static Field   ¾ 30 Create an electrical field that stuns foes crossing it.
Stoning   ¾   Hurl a rock and weaken your foe.
Eruption   6 Shake the ground until it erupts and damages foes.
Magnetic Aura     30 Reflect projectiles with magnetic energy.
  Transmute Earth   ½ 3 Cause the surrounding magnetic aura to violently explode.
Unsteady Ground   ¼ 30 Create unsteady ground that foes cannot cross.
Shock Wave   ¾ 20 Create a shock wave that bleeds and immobilizes your target.
Pressure Blast Dual Attack 1 15 Send out a vaporous projectile that heals allies it passes through. This projectile violently explodes if it hits the ground or strikes an enemy, healing allies and damaging foes in the area.
Plasma Blast Dual Attack ¼ 15 Launch a ball of plasma that explodes on impact at your foes.
Pyroclastic Blast Dual Attack ¾ 15 Launch a molten rock that devastates an area.
Monsoon Dual Attack ½ 20 Launch a hurricane in a direction, healing allies and damaging enemies.
Lahar Dual Attack ½ 20 Create an area that cripples and damages enemies.
Pile Driver Dual Attack 18 After a short channel, launch a hyper-fast boulder that decimates foes in its path.

Dagger Both hands top

  Skill Type Description
Dragon's Claw   ½   Fling fire in a claw-shaped spread at your foe.
Drake's Breath   6 Spray a cone of fire at foes while on the move.
Burning Speed   ¾ 12 Slide forward and blast the area, leaving behind a line of fire that burns foes.
Ring of Fire   ¼ 15 Damage nearby foes with a ring of fire, burning foes that pass through it.
Fire Grab   ¾ 20 Damage foes in a cone in front of you. Deal more damage to burning foes.
Vapor Blade   ½   Cast a vapor blade that inflicts vulnerability and returns to you.
Cone of Cold   10 Spray an icy blast in a cone that damages foes and heals allies.
Frozen Burst   ¼ 15 Detonate a burst of ice that chills nearby foes.
Frost Aura     20 Protect yourself with frost armor that reduces incoming damage by 10%. While active, it chills foes that hit you. Each attacker can be affected by this only once per second.
  Transmute Frost   ½ 3 Cause your frost aura to violently explode, healing allies and damaging foes.
Cleansing Wave   ¾ 25 Heal yourself and nearby allies, curing conditions.
Lightning Whip   ¾   Lash your foe with lightning.
Convergence   ½ 8 Charge the air to shock foes around you after a short delay. Inflict weakness on enemies and gain fury for each foe struck.
Shocking Aura     25 Envelop yourself with electrical energy that stuns nearby foes if they attack you. Each attacker can be affected by this only once every 2 seconds.
  Transmute Lightning   ½ 3 Cause your shocking aura to violently explode, stunning enemies who are struck by it.
Ride the Lightning     25 Ride the lightning to your foe, then strike all nearby foes with an electrical burst. If a foe is hit by the burst, the skill's recharge is halved.
Updraft     25 Gain swiftness from a gust of wind that launches nearby foes.
Impale   ¾   Spear your foes on a giant stone spike.
Ring of Earth   1 6 Use the earth to launch yourself into the air and strike foes in a small radius. Deliver a larger ring of earthen spikes upon impact.
Earthen Rush   ½ 15 Quickly dash along the ground, summoning spikes along the way and then delivering an area strike.
Earthquake   ¾ 25 Trigger a quake at your location, knocking down foes and dealing massive damage.
Churning Earth   ¾ 25 Leap at your foe and unleash a seismic wave that inflicts damages and bleeding.
Steam Surge Dual Attack ¾ 18 Slide to an area, blasting foes with steam while healing nearby allies.
Plasma Burst Dual Attack ¾ 15 Burn your foes within a plasma blast.
Ashen Blast Dual Attack ½ 12 Blind your foes with burning ashes.
Katabatic Wind Dual Attack   18 Release a frigid wind that damages foes.
Mud Slide Dual Attack 1 20 Trip your foes with mud as you slide past them.
Grinding Stones Dual Attack ½ 18 Shred foes with a storm of stones. Take reduced damage while the storm is active.

Pistol Main hand top

  Skill Type Description
Scorching Shot   ½   Burn your foe with a blazing bullet.
  Elemental Explosion   ½   Shoot all of the elemental bullets. Gain an aura based on your current attunement.
Raging Ricochet   ½ 8 Conjure a bullet that bounces to nearby enemies. Gain might for each target struck. If you have a fire bullet, consume it to increase your outgoing condition damage for a duration. If not, create a fire bullet.
Searing Salvo   ½ 15 Fire a shot that explodes into fragments of fire when it hits the ground. If you have a fire bullet, consume it to gain a fire aura. If not, create a fire bullet.
Soothing Splash   ½   Shoot a bullet of water. Heal for each unique condition on the enemy.
  Elemental Explosion   ½   Shoot all of the elemental bullets. Gain an aura based on your current attunement.
Frigid Flurry   7 Fire a volley of icy bullets that inflict bleeding. If you have an ice bullet, consume it to heal for each strike. If not, create an ice bullet.
Frozen Fusillade   ½ 15 Fire a shot that freezes the ground underneath it, creating an area that speeds up allies while slowing enemy movement. If you have an ice bullet, consume it to cause the frozen ground to shatter when it expires. If not, create an ice bullet.
Electric Exposure   ½   Electrify your enemy, making them vulnerable.
  Elemental Explosion   ½   Shoot all of the elemental bullets. Gain an aura based on your current attunement.
Dazing Discharge   ¼ 10 Fire a shot that dazes your foe and leaves them vulnerable. If you have an air bullet, consume it to reduce the cooldown of your next pistol skill. If not, create an air bullet.
Aerial Agility   ½ 18 Dash then fire a quick shot. If the shot hits, you can dash again for a short time. If you have an air bullet, consume it to remove inhibiting conditions at the start of the dash. If not, create an air bullet.
  Aerial Agility   ½   Dash then fire a quick shot. If the shot hits, you can dash again for a short time. If you have an air bullet, consume it to remove inhibiting conditions at the start of the dash. If not, create an air bullet.
  Aerial Agility   ½   Dash again.
Piercing Pebble   ½   Bleed your foe with sharp stone.
  Elemental Explosion   ½   Shoot all of the elemental bullets. Gain an aura based on your current attunement.
Shattering Stone   ½ 6 Fire a shot that shatters into multiple shards. If you have an earth bullet, consume it to enhance your next few attacks to inflict bleeding. If not, create an earth bullet.
Boulder Blast   ½ 15 Launch a large boulder that bleeds and immobilizes your foe. If you have an earth bullet, consume it to gain barrier when striking an enemy. If not, create an earth bullet.
Frostfire Flurry Dual Attack 1 15 Fire multiple bullets of fire and ice, inflicting conditions. If you have a fire bullet, consume it to gain fire aura. If you have an ice bullet, consume it to cause the ice shots to inflict additional conditions.
Purblinding Plasma Dual Attack ½ 12 Fire a ball of plasma that explodes when it hits, striking enemies behind the target. If you have a fire bullet, consume it to create an area of fire beneath the initial target. If you have an air bullet, consume it to reduce the cooldown of this skill.
Molten Meteor Dual Attack ½ 15 Bombard your foe with a meteor that inflicts multiple conditions. If you have a fire bullet, consume it to cause the shot to explode when it strikes an enemy, damaging other foes in the blast. If you have an earth bullet, consume it to inflict additional bleeding.
Flowing Finesse Dual Attack ¾ 18 Evade backward and grant yourself boons. If you have an ice bullet, consume it to gain frost aura. If you have an air bullet, consume it to gain superspeed.
Echoing Erosion Dual Attack ¾ 15 Bleed your foe with ice and stone. If you have an ice bullet, consume it to heal yourself. If you have an earth bullet, consume it to grant yourself barrier.
Enervating Earth Dual Attack ½ 12 Fire a quick shot that debilitates your target. If you have an air bullet, consume it to also inflict daze. If you have an earth bullet, consume it to also inflict bleeding on your target.

Scepter Main hand top

  Skill Type Description
Flamestrike   ¾   Strike your foe with flame.
Dragon's Tooth   ¾ 8 Drop an explosive dragon's tooth on your foe.
Phoenix   ¼ 20 Release a fiery phoenix that attacks foes in a line before exploding and returning to you, curing a condition and granting you vigor. Inflict additional burning against foes that are already burning.
Ice Shards   ¾   Fire three ice shards at your foe.
Shatterstone   ½ 6 Cast a shatterstone that will explode at the target area.
Water Trident   ½ 20 Cast a water trident that damages foes. Deal more damage to chilled foes and heal for each target struck. Heal for a lesser amount for each target struck beyond the first.
Arc Lightning     Cast an arc of electricity at your foe.
Lightning Strike     5 Strike your foes with lightning.
Blinding Flash     10 Blind your foes with a flash of light. Vulnerable foes are also weakened.
Stone Shards     Fling stone daggers at your foe to bleed them.
Rock Barrier   1 15 Envelop yourself in a stony barrier that improves toughness.
  Hurl       Hurl the rocks from your barrier at your foe.
Dust Devil     15 Create a dust storm that inflicts cripple to bleeding foes. The first strike of the storm blinds foes.
Fiery Frost Dual Attack ¾ 15 Launch a fire and ice bolt while evading.
Plasma Beam Dual Attack 18 Fire a superheated jet of plasma at your foe.
Fracturing Strike Dual Attack 1 12 Call a meteor from the sky that crashes to the ground, creating an eruption of magma.
Glacial Drift Dual Attack ¾ 15 Whirl air and ice together, sending out a supercooled projectile that chills enemies it strikes.
Stone Tide Dual Attack ¾ 15 Bleed your foe with ice and sharpened stones.
Earthen Synergy Dual Attack ¾ 20 Smite your enemies with the earth and sky, dealing damage from below and then stunning from above.

Sword Main hand top

  Skill Type Description
Fire Strike   ½   Build elemental flames into your sword and strike your enemies.
  Fire Swipe   ½   Heat your sword a second time and strike your enemies for increased damage.
  Searing Slash   ¾   Heat your sword a final time and use the full power of your flames to sear enemies and ignite them.
Flame Uprising   ¾ 8 Jump forward and deliver a fiery blast to the area.
Cauterizing Strike   ½ 15 Stab your foe with full force, dealing bonus damage against burning enemies.
Seiche   ½   Imbue your blade with water, healing yourself for each target you strike.
  Clapotis   ½   Deliver a second strike that heals yourself for each target it hits.
  Breaking Wave   ¾   Strike your enemies and unleash a wave that heals allies.
Riptide   1 18 Use the element of water to propel yourself backward and regenerate, leaving a healing area at your location.
Aqua Siphon   ¾ 15 Strike an enemy and draw water from them, causing them to deliver a healing burst to your allies.
Charged Strike   ½   Strike your foe with shocking force.
  Polaric Slash   ½   Deliver a second strike, gaining swiftness.
  Call Lightning   ¾   Deliver the final attack, calling lightning strikes onto enemies.
Polaric Leap   ½ 12 Shadowstep to your target and deliver a dazing strike. Gain superspeed if you interrupt an enemy.
Quantum Strike   ¾ 16 Strike your foe, charging them with static and causing lightning to strike repeatedly for a short period of time.
Crystal Slash   ½   Strike your opponent with your serrated blade.
  Crystalline Strike   ½   Attack enemies with a second vicious attack.
  Crystalline Sunder   ¾   Unleash a final crushing blow.
Earthen Vortex   ¾ 15 Burrow into the ground, then erupt with earth-shattering force.
Rust Frenzy   ½ 15 Strike your enemies with deadly force.
Twin Strike Dual Attack ¾ 12 Quickly strike enemies in front of you with the extreme nature of fire and water.
Pyro Vortex Dual Attack ½ 15 Strike enemies in an arc in front of you, creating burning vortexes on enemies you hit.
Lava Skin Dual Attack ¼ 18 Cover yourself in an increasing barrier while dealing damage to nearby enemies.
Shearing Edge Dual Attack ½ 12 Form a frozen blade and spin it toward your enemies.
Natural Frenzy Dual Attack ½ 15 Unleash a volley of ice and earth at your enemies.
Gale Strike Dual Attack ¾ 20 Strike your enemies, lifting them and creating cyclones at their locations.

Focus Off hand top

  Skill Type Description
Flamewall   ¾ 20 Create a wall of flame at the target area that burns foes.
Fire Shield     25 Envelop yourself in a fiery shield that burns foes and grants might each time you are struck (cooldown of 1 second per attacker).
  Transmute Fire   ½ 3 Use the energy of the fire aura to cause an explosion, damaging enemies and benefiting allies.
Freezing Gust   ½ 25 Chill your foe for a brief time.
Comet   ¾ 25 Drop a comet of ice on target foe, damaging and dazing foes in the area.
Swirling Winds   ½ 30 Create a swirling wind that blocks projectiles.
Gale   ¾ 40 Knock down your foe with a charged wind blast.
Magnetic Wave     25 Damage foes, cure three of your conditions, and reflect projectiles with a magnetic surge.
Obsidian Flesh   3 60 Envelop yourself in stony armor, making yourself invulnerable.

Warhorn Off hand top

  Skill Type Description
Heat Sync   ¾ 30 Give might and fury to yourself, then spread boons you have to allies.
Wildfire   ¾ 30 Release a fiery torrent that burns enemies.
Tidal Surge   ¼ 30 Send out a tidal wave that regenerates and heal allies, then knocks enemies back.
Water Globe   ½ 30 Blast out a watery orb that heals allies as it travels.
Cyclone   1 25 Blast out a cyclone that pulls enemies toward its location and grants swiftness to allies it affects.
Lightning Orb   ½ 25 Launch an orb of lightning that fires projectiles at nearby foes.
Sand Squall   ¾ 30 Apply protection to you and your allies, then increase the duration of all boons currently existing on you and your allies. Gain magnetic aura.
Dust Storm   ¾ 30 Grant boons to nearby allies and summon a dust storm that inflicts conditions.

Trident Aquatic top

  Skill Type Description
Magma Orb   ½   Shoot a blob of molten rock that explodes after a delay.
Boil   ½ 8 Boil the water around your foe.
Steam   ½ 15 Blind your foe with superheated water.
Lava Chains   ½ 20 Cripple multiple foes with lava chains.
Heat Wave   1 20 Launch three waves of heat. Each burns foes and grants vigor to allies.
Water Missile   ½   Launch a slow-moving homing missile.
Ice Globe   ½ 10 Shoots a slow-moving orb that detonates upon impact.
Ice Wall   ½ 15 Create a wall of ice that shatters when touched by enemies or when it expires, dealing heavy damage and chilling foes.
Undercurrent   ¾ 25 Release a current of water to damage foes and regenerate allies.
Tidal Wave   25 Charge forward with tidal force, damaging foes and healing allies.
Forked Lightning   ½   Fire three bolts of lightning in an arc in front of you.
Electrocute   ½ 8 Charge the water around your foe with electricity. Enemies currently using an ability are dazed.
Air Pocket   ½ 12 Release a slow-moving, detonatable air pocket. When it explodes, you teleport to that location.
  Vacuum       Detonate your air pocket to teleport to its location.
Air Bubble   1 25 Trap your foe in an air bubble and make them float to the surface.
Lightning Cage   ½ 30 Create an electrical field that stuns foes crossing it.
Rock Blade   ½   Shoot three rocky blades at your foe.
Rock Spray   ½ 10 Spray a cone of gravel to bleed foes.
Magnetic Current   ½ 18 Launch a large magnetic force that reflects projectiles along its path, crippling foes that touch it.
Rock Anchor   1 30 Anchor a rock to your foe, making them sink.
Murky Water   30 Cloud the water to blind your target and nearby foes.
Hydrothermal Vent Dual Attack 1 15 Create a thermal vent around your target.
Plasmic Strike Dual Attack ½ 12 Quickly heat the area around your enemy, melting defenses.
Molten Burst Dual Attack ¾ 12 Gain a shield of earth, then release a molten burst from your location.
Absolute Zero Dual Attack ½ 20 Send out a supercooled shard that freezes enemies it hits.
Elemental Compression Dual Attack 1 12 Inflict the area around your target with the immense pressures of the earth and sea.
Sodden Swath Dual Attack ½ 18 Launch a twisting earthen vortex at your enemies.

Healing skills top

Skill Type   Description
Arcane Brilliance Arcane   ¾ 15 Blast the area, hitting foes with critical damage and healing yourself. Healing effectiveness is increased per target hit. If this skill finishes a combo, you heal an additional amount.
Ether Renewal Cantrip   15 Cure a condition and heal yourself with every pulse.
Glyph of Elemental Harmony Glyph   1 20 Heal yourself and gain a boon based on your attunement.
Glyph of Elemental Harmony Glyph   1 20 Heal yourself and gain a boon based on your attunement.
Glyph of Elemental Harmony Glyph   1 20 Heal yourself and gain a boon based on your attunement.
Glyph of Elemental Harmony Glyph   1 20 Heal yourself and gain a boon based on your attunement.
Glyph of Elemental Harmony Glyph   1 20 Heal yourself and gain a boon based on your attunement.
Signet of Restoration Signet   1 30 Signet Passive: Grants health every time you cast a spell.
Signet Active: Heal yourself.
"Wash the Pain Away!" Shout   25 Mists billow from you, healing allies in range and cleansing conditions.
Aquatic Stance Stance ¾ 4 Flow like water, gaining endurance. Striking a foe causes water to erupt from them, healing your nearby allies.
Soothing Water Augment   ¾ 25 Regenerate health and cleanse conditions over time. If this is cast in range of your Water Sphere, the recharge time is reduced.

Utility skills top

Skill Type   Description
Arcane Blast Arcane     1 Blast your foe with energy for critical damage.
Arcane Power Arcane     30 Gain ferocity. You deal critical damage with your next few attacks.
Arcane Shield Arcane     35 Block attacks with an energy shield. If it blocks three attacks, it explodes for critical damage.
Arcane Wave Arcane   ¾ 2 Blast foes in the target area with an energy wave for critical damage.
Armor of Earth Cantrip     40 Protect yourself with earth armor and gain protection and stability, then gain barrier for each unique boon you have.
Cleansing Fire Cantrip     1 Cure conditions and burn foes. Gain might for each condition removed.
Lightning Flash Cantrip     35 Teleport to target area.
Mist Form Cantrip     75 Morph into an invulnerable, vaporous mist for a brief time.
Conjure Earth Shield Conjure ¾ 60 Manifest a magnetic shield in your hands and at the target location. Wielders of the weapon gain increased toughness and vitality.
Conjure Flame Axe Conjure ¼ 60 Manifest a lava axe in your hands and at the target location. Wielders of the weapon gain increased power and condition damage.
Conjure Frost Bow Conjure ¼ 60 Manifest a frost bow in your hands and at the target location. Wielders of this weapon gain increased condition duration and healing power.
Conjure Lightning Hammer Conjure ¾ 60 Manifest a lightning hammer in your hands and at the target location. Wielders of this weapon gain increased precision and ferocity.
Glyph of Elemental Power Glyph     25 Inflict conditions on your next few strikes based on your attunement. Each strike deals increased damage.
Glyph of Elemental Power Glyph     25 Inflict conditions on your next few strikes based on your attunement. Each strike deals increased damage.
Glyph of Elemental Power Glyph     25 Inflict conditions on your next few strikes based on your attunement. Each strike deals increased damage.
Glyph of Elemental Power Glyph     25 Inflict conditions on your next few strikes based on your attunement. Each strike deals increased damage.
Glyph of Elemental Power Glyph     25 Inflict conditions on your next few strikes based on your attunement. Each strike deals increased damage.
Glyph of Lesser Elementals Glyph 40 Summon a lesser elemental based on your attunement.
Glyph of Lesser Elementals Glyph   40 Summon a lesser fire elemental.
Glyph of Lesser Elementals Glyph   40 Summon a lesser water elemental.
Glyph of Lesser Elementals Glyph   40 Summon a lesser air elemental.
Glyph of Lesser Elementals Glyph   40 Summon a lesser earth elemental.
Glyph of Renewal Glyph   2 135 Revive allies with different attunement effects.
Renewal of Fire Glyph   2 135 Revive an ally; you're revived the next time you're downed.
Renewal of Water Glyph   2 135 Revive an ally with full health.
Renewal of Air Glyph   2 135 Revive and teleport an ally to your location.
Renewal of Earth Glyph   2 135 Revive allies around you.
Glyph of Storms Glyph 60 Create a storm based on your attunement.
Firestorm Glyph   25 Create a firestorm at the target area.
Ice Storm Glyph   30 Create an ice storm at the targeted area. Damage is reduced per target each time foes are struck by this skill.
Lightning Storm Glyph   60 Create a lightning storm at the targeted area. Damage is reduced per target each time foes are struck by this skill.
Sandstorm Glyph   40 Create a sandstorm at the target area.
Signet of Air Signet     25 Signet Passive: Grants a 25% increase in movement speed.
Signet Active: Blind your target and nearby foes.
Signet of Earth Signet   ½ 25 Signet Passive: Improves toughness.
Signet Active: Immobilize and bleed your foe.
Signet of Fire Signet   ½ 15 Signet Passive: Improves critical chance.
Signet Active: Burn your target and nearby foes.
Signet of Water Signet   ½ 30 Signet Passive: Reduces incoming condition duration.
Signet Active: Damage and chill foes while healing and reviving allies in an area.
"Aftershock!" Shout   ¼ 30 Call upon the earth to cripple and immobilize foes in the area around you. Allies in the initial blast gain a magnetic aura.
"Eye of the Storm!" Shout     35 Imbue your voice with the element of air, massively increasing speed and breaking stun for nearby allies.
"Feel the Burn!" Shout     5 Heat waves blast out from the player, causing damage and granting fire aura to allies.
"Flash-Freeze!" Shout   ¼ 30 Unleash a torrent of ice on enemy locations, chilling those who cannot escape. Grant frost aura to allies in range.
Primordial Stance Stance     5 Channel the prime elements at their core, dealing damage based on your current attunements. Fully attuning deals the same condition twice.
Stone Resonance Stance     5 Enter an earthen state, gaining barrier periodically over the course of the stance.
Twist of Fate Stance 1 30 Break stun, then spin and briefly evade attacks.
Unravel Stance     5 For a period of time, you forego your weaver training, choosing to fully attune to elements instead. Gain boons based on your primary attunement, and reduce all attunement cooldowns.
Fortified Earth Augment   3 30 Block attacks. Gain barrier if the channel completes successfully. If this is cast within range of your Earth Sphere, the recharge time is reduced.
Invigorating Air Augment     25 Gain increased endurance regeneration and superspeed. If this is cast within range of your Air Sphere, the recharge time is reduced.
Relentless Fire Augment   ¼ 20 Your attacks and conditions deal increased damage, and your attacks are unblockable. If this is cast within range of your Fire Sphere, the duration is increased.
Shattering Ice Augment   ¼ 20 Your successful attacks will trigger an additional strike on nearby enemies that applies chill. If this is cast within range of your Water Sphere, the duration is increased. This effect can occur once per interval.

Elite skills top

Skill Type   Description
Tornado Cantrip   1 120 Gain stability and shape-shift into a tornado that damages and launches foes.
Conjure Fiery Greatsword Conjure 1 180 Manifest a fiery greatsword in your hands and at the target location. When it lands, it damages and burns foes. Wielders of this weapon gain increased power and condition damage and cast Lesser Fiery Eruption at regular intervals on random enemies.
Glyph of Elementals Glyph 90 Summon an elemental based on your attunement.
Glyph of Elementals Glyph   90 Summon an elemental based on your attunement.
Glyph of Elementals Glyph   90 Summon an elemental based on your attunement.
Glyph of Elementals Glyph   90 Summon an elemental based on your attunement.
Glyph of Elementals Glyph   90 Summon an elemental based on your attunement.
"Rebound!" Shout   ¼ 75 Shout and infuse your allies with arcane energy. Allies who would take lethal damage while this is active ignore the deathblow and are healed instead. If the effect expires naturally, grant an aura based on your current attunement.
Weave Self Stance   ¾ 75 Temporarily reduce the recharge time of attunements while gaining bonuses for attuning to new elements. Successfully attuning to all elements ends this stance and grants Perfect Weave.
Tailored Victory     ¾   Release all of your woven elements and end your Weave Self stance, causing gravity itself to unravel around you.
Elemental Celerity Augment   ¼ 90 Reduce the recharge of weapon skills of your current attunement. If this is activated in range of your sphere, gain a boon based on its element.

Downed and drowning skills top

  Skill Type Description
Downed skills
Discharge Lightning   ½   Blast your foe with lightning.
Vapor Form     20 Assume a mobile, vaporous form, returning to a downed state when the effect ends.
Grasping Earth   10 Immobilize your foe with hands erupting from the ground.
Bandage   49¼ 5 Call your allies for help. Restores health while you channel it.
Drowning skills
Water Fist   ½   Throw a punch of concentrated water.
Stone Kick   ¾ 6 Wrap your foot in stone and kick your foe.
Steam Vent   3 15 Float to the surface on a burst of steam, blinding and burning foes.
Bandage   49¼ 5 Call your allies for help. Restores health while you channel it.

Auxiliary skillbars top

Conjure Earth Shield

  Skill Type Description
Shield Smack   ½   Smack your foe with the magnetic shield.
  Shield Smash   ½   Smash your foe with the magnetic shield.
  Crippling Shield   ¾   Throw your shield in a line, crippling struck foes. This attack deals bonus damage if you have barrier.
Stone Sheath   12 Block the next attack and cause bleeding to foes around you. Gain Tectonic Shift if you successfully block an attack.
Magnetic Surge   ¾ 15 Unleash a magnetic force, surging at your opponent and dazing them, while gaining magnetic aura.
Magnetic Shield   25 Pull nearby foes to you with a magnetic force, gaining protection and Tectonic Shift for each foe pulled.
Fortify   3 50 Use magnetism to envelop yourself in a shield, becoming invulnerable.

Conjure Flame Axe top

  Skill Type Description
Lava Axe   ½   Throw a lava axe at your foe. Using another Lava Axe ability grants Double Lava Axe.
  Double Lava Axe       Throw two lava axes at your foe.
Explosive Lava Axe   ½ 5 Throw an explosive lava axe at the target location.
Burning Retreat     15 Quickly roll backward, leaving behind a line of fire that burns.
Ring of Fire   ½ 15 Damage nearby foes with a ring of fire, burning foes that pass through it.
Flame Leap   ¾ 15 Leap at your foe with a flaming attack that causes burning.

Conjure Frost Bow top

  Skill Type Description
Water Arrow   ¾   Shoot an arrow of water that damages foes and heals allies around the area of impact. Gain a stack of Water Arrow each time you strike an enemy.
Frost Volley   2 6 Rapidly fire at your foe, making them vulnerable with each hit. Damage is increased per stack of Water Arrow.
Frost Fan   ¼ 15 Damage foes with a spread of icy arrows that cause chill. Extra projectiles are launched for each stack of Water Arrow accumulated.
Frost Storm   20 Call down an ice storm on the targeted area. The number of final ice shards are increased for each stack of Water Arrow. Damage is reduced per target each time foes are struck by this skill.
Deep Freeze   30 Encase your target in a block of solid ice. Duration is increased per stack of Water Arrow.

Conjure Lightning Hammer top

  Skill Type Description
Lightning Swing   ½   Bash your foe.
  Static Swing   ½   Strike your foe again.
  Thunderclap   ½   Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
Lightning Leap   ¾ 8 Leap at your foe and hit them with electrical damage.
Wind Blast   1 18 Launch your foe with a banishing smash.
Invoke Lightning   20 Randomly strike the surrounding area with lightning. Damage is reduced per target each time foes are struck by this skill.
Static Field   ¾ 25 Manifest an electrical field that stuns foes crossing it.

Tornado top

  Skill Type Description
Electrified Tornado     1 Electrify your tornado form and make it shoot lightning.
Dust Tornado     1 Gather up dust into your tornado form, making it shoot out dust devils that blind foes.
Debris Tornado     1 Gather up debris into your tornado form and send it flying.
Elemental Requiem     3 Unleash the elements from your core, firing a random elemental in all directions. Elements have differing effects based on your current tornado type.
Dust Charge   7 Move swiftly in a direction, knocking back enemies you collide with.

Conjure Fiery Greatsword top

  Skill Type Description
Flame Wave     Shoot a fireball at your foe with each swing.
Fiery Eruption   1 5 Ram your sword into the ground and make fire erupt near your foes.
Fiery Whirl   ¼ 5 Advance forward, slashing foes in your way.
Fiery Rush     10 Charge at your foe, leaving a line of fire behind you.
Firestorm   ¾ 15 Call down a firestorm on the target area.
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