Ranger : Skills

Weapon skills

Greatsword Twohands top

  Skill Type Description
Slash Chain ½   Slash your foe.
  Slice Chain ½   Slice your foe.
  Enduring Swing   ¾   Slash at your foe. This attack restores endurance if it hits.
  Savage Slash Unleashed Ambush ¾   Attack in an area around you, creating a spore under each enemy struck.
Maul   ¾ 8 Attack your foe with the force of a bear. Your pet gains an attack of opportunity.
Swoop   18 Run and leap at your foe, hitting them and nearby foes.
Counterattack   3 30 Block incoming attacks. If an attack is blocked, Counterattack Kick can be used.
  Counterattack Kick   ½   Kick your foe, knocking them backward.
Hilt Bash   ½ 25 Daze your foe with a hilt bash. Stun them if you hit from behind or they are defiant, and refresh your Maul skill.

Hammer Twohands top

  Skill Type Description
Hammer Strike Chain ½   Strike your foe.
  Hammer Slam Chain ½   Strike your foe again.
  Heavy Smash   ½   Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
Wild Swing   ½ 7 Strike nearby enemies, inflicting cripple. Gain barrier for each target struck. Barrier is reduced for each target struck beyond the first.
Overbearing Smash   ¼ 12 Quickly strike the ground, dazing nearby enemies. If this strikes an enemy, follow up with a leaping strike that dazes enemies again. If you strike an enemy that is using a skill, gain barrier.
Savage Shock Wave   ¾ 15 Smash the ground, creating three expanding shock waves that apply conditions.
Thump   ¾ 20 Leap forward and slam the ground with your hammer, knocking down nearby enemies.
Unleashed Ranger
Hammer Strike Chain ½   Strike your foe.
  Hammer Slam Chain ½   Strike your foe again.
  Heavy Smash   ½   Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
  Relentless Whirl Unleashed Ambush 2   Spin and attack nearby foes, moving faster while channeling. Create a spore when striking an enemy for the first time.
Unleashed Wild Swing   ½ 7 Strike nearby enemies, inflicting damage. Deals increased damage to disabled or defiant enemies.
Disables include stun, daze, knock back, pull, knock down, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Unleashed Overbearing Smash   ¼ 12 Quickly strike the ground, blinding nearby enemies. If this strikes an enemy, follow up with a leaping strike that removes boons.
Unleashed Savage Shock Wave   ¾ 15 Smash the ground, creating three shock waves that deal damage. Deal increased damage to disabled enemies, defiant enemies, and enemies with conditions.
Disables include stun, daze, knock back, pull, knock down, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Unleashed Thump   ¾ 20 Leap forward and slam the ground with your hammer, gaining boons for each target struck.

Longbow Twohands top

  Skill Type Description
Long Range Shot   ¾   Shoot your foe from long range. The farther the arrow flies, the more damage it does.
  Multishot Unleashed Ambush ¾   Fire arrows at your target and other enemies near your target. Striking an enemy reduces the recharge of other longbow skills.
Rapid Fire   10 Fire multiple arrows at your foe.
Hunter's Shot     12 Fire an arrow that grants you stealth when it hits an enemy. Your pet gains swiftness.
Point-Blank Shot   ½ 15 Push back your foe with a point-blank shot. The closer they are, the farther it pushes them back.
Barrage   20 Barrage the target area with a hail of arrows that cripple.

Shortbow Twohands top

  Skill Type Description
Crossfire       Fire an arrow that inflicts bleeding on your target. Attacks are stronger from behind or from the side or against defiant foes.
  Toxic Shot Unleashed Ambush ¾   Fire three arrows that explode on impact, inflicting poison on enemies in the area. Inflict additional conditions on enemies who are already poisoned.
Poison Volley   ¼ 6 Fire a spread of five poison arrows. Poison lasts longer if you are flanking or behind the target or if you strike a defiant foe.
Quick Shot   ¼ 12 Fire a quick shot in an evasive retreat. Gain swiftness. This can be used while retreating.
Crippling Shot     12 Fire an arrow that cripples your target. If you are flanking or behind your target or your target is defiant, immobilize them. Your pet's next three attacks inflict bleeding.
Concussion Shot   ¼ 20 Daze your foe with an arrow. Stun them if you hit from behind or from the side or if your foe is defiant.

Spear Twohands top

  Skill Type Description
Drake's Swipe Chain ½   Swing your spear. If your enemy is far away, use Bee's Sting instead.
  Wyvern's Lash Chain ¾   Strike with your spear, crippling your foe. If your enemy is far away, use Bee's Sting instead.
  Cheetah's Strike Chain ½   Heave your spear, gaining swiftness if you strike an enemy. If your enemy is far away, use Bee's Sting instead.
  Bee's Sting Ranged ¾   Throw your spear.
  Ravager's Abandon Unleashed Ambush ¾   Release a wave of corruption in front of you, damaging enemies and spawning spores under targets struck.
Mongoose's Frenzy   1 8 Swipe at enemies in front of you, cleaving them.
  Wolf's Onslaught Stealth Attack 1 8 Slash enemies in front of you, then follow up with a powerful blow.
Falcon's Stoop   ¾ 12 Fling your spear at your enemy, dealing heavy damage. Damage is increased against immobilized, disabled, or defiant foes.
  Owl's Flight Stealth Attack ¾ 12 Reveal yourself and throw your spear. The spear is wider and unblockable, and it pierces.
Warclaw's Engage   ¾ 18 Leap to a target location, damaging nearby enemies. Deal more damage to foes below the health threshold.
  Predator's Ambush Stealth Attack ¾ 18 Leap to a target location, dazing enemies. Deal increased damage to foes below the health threshold.
Panther's Prowl   ½ 20 Conceal yourself in the brush, gaining stealth. Gain Hunter's Prowess, allowing you to use a Stealth Attack even if revealed.
  Spider's Web Stealth Attack ½ 20 Throw out a net, damaging and immobilizing enemies on impact. Foes in the net are crippled. Your pet becomes excited for the hunt, gaining superspeed.

Staff Twohands top

  Skill Type Description
Solar Beam     Fire a concentrated beam of light at the target enemy or ally, damaging foes and healing allies struck by the beam.
  Solar Brilliance Unleashed Ambush 1   Enchant yourself with solar energy, healing nearby allies and damaging nearby enemies over time.
Astral Wisp   ¾ 8 Send a wisp to attach to your target. While attached, it will circle the target, healing nearby allies.
Ancestral Grace   20 Become a wisp of natural energy, traversing to the targeted location. When you reach the target, heal nearby allies and grant protection to your pet. Recharge is reduced if you heal another ally.
Vine Surge   ¾ 20 Send forth vines that immobilize enemies and cleanse conditions from allies.
Sublime Conversion     25 Summon an energy barrier that causes enemy projectiles to heal upon impact. Allies that pass through the wall gain boons.

Axe Both hands top

  Skill Type Description
Ricochet   ¼   Bounce your axe between multiple foes, gaining might for each enemy struck.
  Sundering Volley Unleashed Ambush ¾   Throw multiple axes at nearby enemies, inflicting conditions.
Splitblade   ¾ 8 Throw a spread pattern of five whirling axes that bleeds foes.
Winter's Bite   ½ 10 Throw an axe to chill the area around your foe. Your pet's next attack inflicts weakness.
Path of Scars   ½ 15 Throw your axe so that it returns to you, striking foes each way.
Whirling Defense   25 Spin your axes around you to attack nearby foes.

Dagger Both hands top

  Skill Type Description
Groundwork Gouge   ¼   Swipe past your foe's defenses, exposing their vulnerability.
  Leading Swipe   ¼   Rake your dagger across your foe, leaving them bleeding.
  Serpent Stab   ¼   Slash across your foe, poisoning them.
  Deadly Delivery   ¼   Strike deeply into your foe, inflicting multiple conditions.
  Neurotoxin Burst Unleashed Ambush ¾   Shadowstep behind your target and unleash a burst of toxic spores.
Double Arc   ¾ 6 Rip your blade through your foe twice, inflicting heavy bleeding. Your pet's next two strikes inflict poison.
Instinctive Engage   ¾ 12 Leap forward and slash at your foe. Gain quickness if you successfully strike.
Stalker's Strike   ½ 15 Stab and poison your foe while evading attacks. This attack deals increased damage and poison against movement-impaired foes.
Crippling Talon   ½ 1 Throw a dagger to bleed and cripple your foe.

Mace Both hands top

  Skill Type Description
Germinate Chain ½   Strike with your mace.
  Burgeon Chain ½   Slam your target.
  Cultivate   ¾   Swing an uppercut at your target, crippling them and granting vigor to nearby allies. Gain Nature's Strength if you hit an enemy.
This skill cannot activate Force of Nature.
  Rampant Growth Unleashed Ambush ¾   Strike the ground with your mace, creating a cascade of verdant growth that immobilizes targets struck and heals nearby allies. Gain Nature's Strength if you hit an enemy.
This skill cannot activate Force of Nature.
Flourish   ¾ 8 Strike the earth, damaging nearby enemies and healing nearby allies. The ground flourishes in response, repeating stronger effects after a delay. Gain Nature's Strength if the initial strike hits an enemy.
Oaken Cudgel   ¾ 16 Imbue your mace with verdant energy and then leap to your target. Stun enemies, grant nearby allies protection, and heal your pet. Gain Nature's Strength if you hit an enemy.
Thistleguard   ¼ 24 Envelop yourself in thorns, striking nearby enemies and gaining stability for a brief duration. Gain additional bonuses and Nature's Strength if you strike an enemy.
Wild Strikes   25 Repeatedly slam the ground, damaging nearby enemies. The final slam does increased damage, dazes enemies, and grants Nature's Strength.

Sword Main hand top

  Skill Type Description
Slash Chain ½   Slash your foe.
  Crippling Thrust Chain ¼   Stab your foe, crippling them for a short time.
  Precision Swipe   ¾   Deliver a blow to your foe. Your pet gains might for each foe struck.
  Deft Strike Unleashed Ambush ¾   Leap forward and strike the ground, creating a spore under each enemy struck.
Pounce   ¾ 8 Deliver a leaping strike that deals more damage to disabled, defiant, or movement-impaired foes. Gain vigor if an enemy is struck.
Serpent's Strike   ¾ 16 Leap to your target and cripple them. If your target is disabled, defiant, or movement impaired, immobilize them instead.

Torch Off hand top

  Skill Type Description
Throw Torch   ½ 15 Throw your torch and burn your foes in an area.
Bonfire   ½ 25 Set a fire around you, damaging and burning foes.

Warhorn Off hand top

  Skill Type Description
Hunter's Call   1 16 Call hawks to swarm your foe.
Call of the Wild   ¼ 24 Daze and weaken nearby enemies. Grant fury, might, and swiftness to yourself and nearby allies.

Harpoon gun Aquatic top

  Skill Type Description
Splinter Shot   ¼   Shoot a spear that splinters around your target, striking and bleeding multiple foes.
  Jagged Fan Unleashed Ambush 1   Fire a piercing spread of harpoons that inflicts conditions on enemies.
Coral Shot   ¼ 10 Shoot a spear that collects sharp coral as it travels, causing more bleeding the farther it goes and cripples.
Feeding Frenzy   1 10 Drive piranhas into a feeding frenzy around your foe. Apply fury to your pet.
Mercy Shot   ¼ 12 Fire a shot that strikes for more damage the less health your target has.
Ink Blast   ½ 18 Retreat backward, leaving a blinding trail in your wake.

Spear Aquatic top

  Skill Type Description
Stab Chain ½   Stab your foe.
  Jab Chain ¾   Jab your foe.
  Toxic Strike   ½   Deliver a final poisonous attack.
  Vicious Pike Unleashed Ambush ¾   Spin and strike foes repeatedly. The final attack creates a spore under targets it strikes.
Swirling Strike   ¾ 8 Attack while reflecting projectiles.
Surging Maw   10 Dart at your foe, inflicting more bleeding based on the amount of time spent charging.
Counterstrike   20 Prepare to throw your spear while blocking. If you block, push back your attacker with a kick.
  Counter Throw   ½   Throw your spear at foes.
Man O' War   4 Strike your foe multiple times, then deliver a final immobilizing attack.

Healing skills top

Skill Type   Description
"We Heal As One!" Command   1 24 Heal yourself and your pet. You each gain copies of the other's boons.
Water Spirit Spirit   ¾ 25 Summon a water spirit at a target location and heal yourself and your pet. The spirit will slam the ground and then shake, granting boons to nearby allies.
Aqua Surge     ¾   Your water spirit slams the ground and creates a wave that heals nearby allies.
Troll Unguent Survival   ¾ 24 You and your pet regenerate health over time.
Healing Spring Trap ½ 24 Heals you and your pet. Place a trap that grants regeneration and cures conditions on allies.
Glyph of Rejuvenation Glyph   24 Greatly heal yourself and your pet, while healing nearby allies for a minor amount.
Glyph of Rejuvenation Glyph   ½ 24 Greatly heal yourself and your pet, while healing nearby allies for a minor amount.
Glyph of Rejuvenation Glyph   1 24 Greatly heal your allies while healing yourself and your pet for a minor amount.
Bear Stance Stance   ¾ 30 Heal yourself and your pet. Lose conditions while in this stance, healing for each condition lost.
Perilous Gift Cantrip   ¾ 30 While active, you take no damage from incoming attacks or conditions. When the cantrip ends, heal based on a percentage of your missing health.

Utility skills top

Skill Type   Description
"Guard!" Command     24 Order your pet to guard nearby allies; your pet takes damage on behalf of those allies. Gain might when your pet receives damage.
"Protect Me!" Command     32 Gain protection and barrier while breaking allies out of stuns.
"Search and Rescue!" Command     48 Your pet teleports a downed ally within range of you and begins reviving them. Grant regeneration to nearby allies.
"Sic 'Em!" Command     28 Your pet rushes at your foe, revealing them and dealing increased damage.
Signet of Renewal Signet     35 Signet Passive: You and your pet recover health.
Signet Active: Grant resistance and resolution to your pet; it pulls conditions from nearby allies to itself.
Signet of Stone Signet     40 Signet Passive: Improves toughness for you and your pet.
Signet Active: You and your pet takes no damage from attacks. You and your pet are still susceptible for conditions and control effects.
Signet of the Hunt Signet     30 Signet Passive: Grants 25% increased movement speed to you and your pet.
Signet Active: Attacks from you and your pet become unblockable, and you both gain superspeed.
Signet of the Wild Signet   ¾ 30 Signet Passive: Increases the ferocity of you and your pet.
Signet Active: Tap into the land to root foes around you.
Frost Spirit Spirit   ¼ 30 Summon a frost spirit at a target location and apply resistance to nearby allies. The spirit will slam the ground and then shake, granting boons to nearby allies.
Cold Snap     ¾   Your frost spirit slams the ground and creates a cold snap that cleanses conditions from nearby allies.
Stone Spirit Spirit   ¼ 30 Summon a stone spirit at a target location and apply aegis to nearby allies. The spirit will slam the ground and then shake, granting boons to nearby allies.
Quake     ¾   Your stone spirit slams the ground and creates an earthen blast that inhibits enemies.
Storm Spirit Spirit   ¼ 30 Summon a storm spirit at a target location and apply vulnerability to nearby enemies. The spirit will slam the ground and then shake, granting boons to nearby allies.
Call Lightning     ¾   Your storm spirit slams the ground and generates a powerful blast of electricity.
Sun Spirit Spirit   ¼ 30 Summon a sun spirit at a target location and apply blindness to nearby enemies. The spirit will slam the ground and then shake, granting boons to nearby allies.
Solar Flare     ¾   Your sun spirit slams the ground and releases the brilliance of the sun on nearby foes.
Lightning Reflexes Survival     24 Evade back with a crack of lightning, dealing damage and gaining vigor.
Muddy Terrain Survival ¾ 20 Use mud to cripple, slow, and immobilize foes.
Quickening Zephyr Survival     32 You and your pet gain quickness and superspeed.
Sharpening Stone Survival     30 Bleed foes with your next few attacks.
Flame Trap Trap   ½ 15 Set a trap that burns foes.
Frost Trap Trap   ½ 30 Set a trap that chills foes.
Spike Trap Trap   ½ 20 Set a trap that bleeds and launches foes.
Viper's Nest Trap   ½ 20 Set a trap that pulses poison on foes when triggered.
Glyph of Alignment Glyph   25 Damage and impair foes, or heal and remove conditions from allies.
Glyph of Alignment Glyph   ½ 25 Inflict bleeding and debilitate nearby foes.
Glyph of Alignment Glyph   ½ 25 Heal and remove conditions from nearby allies.
Glyph of Equality Glyph   30 Daze foes or break stun for allies.
Glyph of Equality Glyph     30 Daze nearby foes.
Glyph of Equality Glyph     30 Break stun for nearby allies.
Glyph of the Tides Glyph   35 Draw your enemies in or knock them away.
Glyph of the Tides Glyph   ½ 35 Push nearby enemies away from you.
Glyph of the Tides Glyph   ½ 35 Pulls enemies toward you.
Glyph of Unity Glyph   30 Use nature energy to connect to foes or allies.
Glyph of Unity Glyph   ½ 30 Tether yourself to nearby foes. Whenever you take damage, deal damage to the foes tethered to you.
Glyph of Unity Glyph   ½ 30 Tether yourself to nearby allies. Whenever you're healed, heal the tethered allies as well.
Dolyak Stance Stance     40 Enter a defensive stance and remove conditions that impede movement. Prevent application of such conditions while in this stance.
Griffon Stance Stance   1 25 Evade and gain endurance. Your endurance recovery is greatly improved. You gain might and superspeed when you evade attacks.
Moa Stance Stance     25 Gain boons. Increase the duration of boons you grant while in this stance.
Vulture Stance Stance     30 While in this stance, striking a foe inflicts poison and grants you might. This effect can occur once per interval.
Exploding Spores Cantrip ¼ 25 Create a ring of spores around yourself that explodes after a short duration. Enemies hit by all spores are knocked down.
Mutate Conditions Cantrip     30 Convert all your conditions into vulnerability.
Nature's Binding Cantrip ¾ 35 Surround nearby foes with a cage of nature they cannot escape. Enemies that were not struck are unaffected by active cages.
Unnatural Traversal Cantrip   ¼ 40 Teleport to your target, making nearby enemies vulnerable. If an enemy is struck, this skill's recharge is reduced.

Elite skills top

Skill Type   Description
"Strength of the Pack!" Command   1 60 Rampage with your pet, gaining stability, fury, and swiftness. You and your pet also grant might to each other when you attack.
Spirit of Nature Spirit   120 Summon a spirit at a target point and convert conditions on allies into boons. The spirit will slam the ground and then shake, granting boons to nearby allies.
Nature's Renewal     ¾   Your spirit of nature slams the ground and creates a blast of vital energy that revives nearby downed allies.
Entangle Survival ¾ 48 Entangle foes around you with vines. Entangled foes bleed and are immobilized until the vines are destroyed.
Glyph of the Stars Glyph 1 60 Channel the power of the stars to prevent harm to your allies.
Glyph of the Stars Glyph   1 60 Heal allies, cleanse conditions, and grant stability to allies in the area.
Glyph of the Stars Glyph   1 60 Prevent health drain while downed and revive downed allies in the targeted area. Heal and grant boons to allies in that area.
One Wolf Pack Stance   ¼ 60 Your successful attacks will trigger a second strike while in this stance. This effect can occur once per interval.
Forest's Fortification Cantrip   1 90 Surround yourself with elements of nature, gaining defensive boons and damage reduction. Striking an enemy while this fortification is active reduces the cooldown of this ability.

Downed and drowning skills top

  Skill Type Description
Downed skills
Throw Dirt   ¼   Throw a handful of dirt to bleed your foe.
Thunderclap   ½ 10 Damages your target and dazes foes around that target.
Lick Wounds   ½ 20 Revive your pet at your location to revive you.
Bandage   49¼ 5 Call your allies for help. Restores health while you channel it.
Drowning skills
Throw Knife   ½   Throw a knife at your foe.
Thunderclap   ½ 10 Damages your target and dazes foes around that target.
Lick Wounds   ½ 20 Revive your pet at your location to revive you.
Bandage   49¼ 5 Call your allies for help. Restores health while you channel it.
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