Ranger : Pets


The pet is available exclusively for the Ranger profession. Four pets in total can accompany the ranger (two for fighting on land, two for aquatic), but only one pet will fight at a time. Ranger can switch pets during a fight. Pets have 4 skills; three shared by all pets in the same family of animals, one which is unique to that species of pet. Ranger can activate this unique skill.

Armor Fish top

Species Skill Description
  Bite ¼   Bite your foe.
  Protection   30 Apply protection to yourself.
  Chomp ½ 12 Chomp your foe to deal damage and heal yourself.
Armor Fish Stunning Rush 40 Beast. Rush at a foe and stun them.

Bee top

Species Skill Description
  Nibble ¾   Nibble your foe.
  Bumble 2 30 Charge at your enemy, knocking them down.
  Stinging Sorrow 20 Unleash a flurry of rage-filled jabs.
Janthiri Bee Honey Toss ¾ 25 Beast. Launch a beehive at your enemy, covering the ground with sticky honey on impact.

Bird top

Species Skill Description
  Slash ½   Slash at your foe.
  Swoop ¾ 8 Swoop at your foe, making them vulnerable.
  Quickening Screech ¾ 20 Grant swiftness to nearby allies and remove movement-impairing conditions from them.
Eagle Brash Slash ½ 20 Beast. Slash your foes, inflicting weakness.
Hawk Lacerating Slash ½ 20 Beast. Slash your foes and cause them to bleed.
Owl Chilling Slash ½ 20 Beast. Slash your foes and chill them.
Raven Blinding Slash ½ 18 Beast. Blind your foes with a slash.
White Raven Blinding Slash ½ 18 Beast. Blind your foes with a slash.

Bristleback top

Species Skill Description
  Spike Shoot ¾   Shoot a spine at your target.
  Rain of Spikes 18 Launch spikes at all nearby foes.
  Sharpen Spines   20 Next several hits apply extra bleeding stacks.
Bristleback Spike Barrage 2 20 Beast. Fire a barrage of spikes at your target.

Burrowing Shark top

Species Skill Description
  Bite ½   Bite your foe and inflict bleeding.
  Lunge   8 Lunge forward, crippling opponents in the path.
  Ley-Line Vortex   20 Spin around, creating a vortex of ley-line energy around you that strikes and inflicts conditions on enemies.
Aether Hunter Dimension Breach 1 20 Beast. Dive between dimensions, resurfacing at your foe's location and knocking them into the air.

Canine top

Species Skill Description
  Bite ¼   Bite your foe.
  Crippling Leap ¼ 10 Leap at your foe and cripple them.
  Brutal Charge 1 30 Leap at your foe and knock them down.
Alpine Wolf Chilling Howl 20 Beast. Howl at foes to chill them.
Fern Hound Regenerate 20 Beast. Howl to heal and grant regeneration to nearby allies.
Hyena Howl of the Pack 30 Beast. Howl to summon hyena allies to fight with you.
Krytan Drakehound Intimidating Howl 20 Beast. Howl at foes to immobilize them.
Wolf Terrifying Howl 35 Beast. Howl at foes to send them running in fear.

Chak top

Species Skill Description
  Unleash Energy   Unleash a beam of ley energy, damaging your target.
  Electrocute ¾ 12 Zap enemies near your target with electric beams.
  Spit Goop 1 20 Spit goop toward your target, leaving behind damaging areas that cripple enemies.
Sky-Chak Striker Ley Energy Pulse ¾ 20 Beast. Create a pulse of ley energy around your target, dazing nearby enemies.

Devourer top

Species Skill Description
  Twin Darts 1   Fire two shots from your tail that bleed your enemy.
  Tail Lash 20 Push a nearby foe back with your tail.
  Devourer Retreat 2 15 Retreat by tunneling through the ground.
  Retreat 20 Retreat from your foe.
Carrion Devourer Poisonous Cloud 1 20 Beast. Spit a ball of venom that covers an area with a poisonous cloud.
  Regenerate   30 Beast. Gain regeneration.
Lashtail Devourer Rending Barbs 4 20 Beast. Rapidly launch projectiles that bleed your target.
  Lashtail Venom   60 Beast. Your next two attacks stun your victims.
Whiptail Devourer Poison Barbs 20 Beast. Spray poisonous barbs in an arc in front of you, damaging and poisoning foes.
  Poison Cloud   25 Beast. Shoot a noxious cloud at your foe, damaging and poisoning them.

Drake top

Species Skill Description
  Bite ¼   Bite a foe with your jaws.
  Chomp ½ 10 Bite a foe and gain health.
  Tail Swipe ¾ 24 Attack all surrounding foes with a tail swipe.
Ice Drake Frost Breath 25 Beast. Breathe a cone of frost, damaging and chilling foes.
  Frost Nova   25 Beast. Freeze the water around your foe.
Marsh Drake Insect Swarm 25 Beast. Exhale a swarm of insects that hits multiple foes.
  Poison Cloud   25 Beast. Create poisonous bubbles.
Reef Drake Sonic Shriek 25 Beast. Emit a cone of discordant sonic energy to confuse foes.
  Sonic Barrier   45 Beast. Create a sonic barrier that reflects projectiles.
River Drake Lightning Breath 25 Beast. Breathe bolts of lightning that bounce to nearby foes.
  Electrocute   30 Beast. Charge the water around your foe with electricity.
Salamander Drake Fire Breath 25 Beast. Breathe a cone of fire that burns foes.
  Boil   30 Beast. Boil the water around your foe.

Feline top

Species Skill Description
  Slash ½   Slash at your foe.
  Bite ½ 8 Bite your foe for severe damage.
  Maul ½ 16 Slash a foe multiple times and make them bleed.
White Tiger Phase Pounce 12 Leap through a rift in the Mists, shadowstepping briefly to the target's location and inflicting damage and conditions.
Cheetah Savannah Strike ¾ 20 Beast. Shadowstep to your target and strike them. Grant nearby allies swiftness.
Jaguar Stalk   45 Beast. Gain stealth and increased critical-strike chance and ferocity for a short duration. Grant your ranger stealth. This skill will not grant your ranger stealth if they are downed.
Jungle Stalker Mighty Roar ½ 20 Beast. Grant extreme might to nearby allies.
Lynx Rending Pounce 20 Beast. Leap at a foe and make them bleed.
Sand Lion Blinding Roar 20 Beast. Release a powerful roar that blinds nearby foes.
Snow Leopard Icy Pounce 20 Beast. Leap at your foe, chilling them.
  Icy Bite ¼ 25 Beast. Bite your foe, chilling them.
Tiger Furious Pounce 20 Beast. Pounce on your target and grant fury to nearby allies.
White Tiger Guardian's Roar ½ 20 Beast. Roar and grant aegis to nearby allies.

Gazelle top

Species Skill Description
  Headbutt ¼   Bash your target.
  Kick 1 8 Kick your enemy.
  Charge 2 20 Charge at your target.
Rock Gazelle Head Toss ¾ 20 Beast. Toss your foe into the air.

Iboga top

Species Skill Description
  Consuming Bite ½   Bite foes, dealing additional damage for each condition afflicting anyone struck.
  Crippling Anguish ½ 10 Launch a projectile that inflicts conditions.
  Narcotic Spores ½ 15 Spit a glob of confusing spores at a foe, inflicting confusion for a while at that location.
Fanged Iboga Fang Grapple 1 20 Beast. Spits a fanged projectile to pull in its prey.

Jacaranda top

Species Skill Description
  Root Slap   1 Strike your target with roots.
  Call Lightning ¾ 10 Calls lightning to a small area.
  Photosynthesize ¾ 20 Restore health, gain regeneration, and remove conditions.
Jacaranda Jacaranda's Embrace 1 20 Beast. Fire a missile that roots foes for a period of time.

Jellyfish top

Species Skill Description
  Tentacle Slash   Slash your foe.
  Healing Cloud   30 Release a cloud of mist to regenerate you and your allies.
  Dark Water   40 Blind foes near your target with a dark cloud.
Blue Jellyfish Chilling Whirl 30 Beast. Whirl your tentacles, chilling the foes you strike.
Rainbow Jellyfish Chilling Whirl 30 Beast. Whirl your tentacles, chilling the foes you strike.
Red Jellyfish Immobilizing Whirl 30 Beast. Whirl your tentacles, immobilizing the foes you strike.

Kryptis top

Species Skill Description
  Evil Eye   Launch an orb of darkness at your target.
  Staring Void 1 15 Blast demonic energy in front of you, inflicting conditions on enemies it hits.
  Tormenting Visions 20 Send distressing thoughts to your enemy to torment them.
Spinegazer Panopticon 1 20 Beast. Fire malignant magic at nearby enemies, corrupting boons on enemies it hits.

Moa top

Species Skill Description
  Peck ¼   Peck at your foe.
  Harmonic Cry ½ 25 Heal yourself and nearby allies.
  Frenzied Attack ½ 20 Attack with a pecking frenzy and make your foe vulnerable.
Black Moa Dazing Screech ½ 25 Beast. Create a cone of sound, dazing foes.
Blue Moa Protecting Screech ½ 20 Beast. Screech to grant protection to nearby allies.
Pink Moa Dazing Screech ½ 25 Beast. Create a high-pitched screech, dazing nearby foes.
Red Moa Furious Screech ½ 20 Beast. Screech angrily to grant fury to nearby allies.
White Moa Icy Screech ½ 24 Beast. Screech to grant nearby allies frost aura.

Phoenix top

Species Skill Description
  Wicked Bite ¾   Bite your foe, leaving them vulnerable.
  Dash 20 Charge forward, leaving behind a trail of wind energy that detonates shortly afterward.
  Wing Buffet 20 Launch your foe backward with mighty wing beats.
Phoenix Gale Breath 1 20 Beast. Fires a sweeping breath attack, damaging foes.

Porcine top

Species Skill Description
  Jab ¼   Jab your foe with your tusks.
  Maul ½ 10 Maul your foes and make them bleed.
  Brutal Charge 1 30 Charge your foe and knock them down.
Boar Forage Rock 1 25 Beast. Search the area for an improvised weapon.
Pig Forage Sword 1 25 Beast. Search the area for an improvised weapon.
Siamoth Forage Feathers 1 25 Beast. Search the area for an improvised weapon.
Warthog Forage Scale 1 25 Beast. Search the area for an improvised weapon.

Shark top

Species Skill Description
  Bite ¼   Bleed your foe with a bite.
  Charging Bite   20 Charge your foe, striking multiple times and inflicting bleeding.
  Fear   40 Make your foe flee in fear.
Shark Feeding Frenzy   45 Beast. Enter a frenzy. Attack faster and bleed on each hit.

Smokescale top

Species Skill Description
  Bite ¼   Bite your target.
  Takedown ¾ 10 Cripple your target with a powerful strike.
  Smoke Assault   20 Conceal yourself and lash out at nearby foes. Gain might each time you damage a foe.
Smokescale Smoke Cloud ¾ 30 Beast. Create a cloud of smoke for the smokescale to hide in.

Spider top

Species Skill Description
  Spit   Spit at your foe.
  Entangling Web 20 Shoot a web, immobilizing your foe.
  Poison Gas 20 Spit a ball of venom that covers an area with a poisonous cloud.
Black Widow Spider Paralyzing Venom   25 Beast. Your next attack immobilizes your foe.
Cave Spider Weakening Venom   20 Beast. Your next two attacks weaken your foes and make them vulnerable.
Forest Spider Deadly Venom   20 Beast. Your next three attacks poison your foe.
Jungle Spider Paralyzing Venom   25 Beast. Your next attack immobilizes your foe.

Turtle top

Species Skill Description
  Jade Cannon ¾   Fire a long-range, slow-moving jade missile that explodes on impact, damaging nearby foes.
  Slam 1 25 Leap and knock nearby foes back.
  Heavy Shot 20 Shoot a jade missile at your target that dazes nearby enemies on impact.
Siege Turtle Hunker Down   30 Beast. Deploy a barrier that shields allies from incoming projectiles and grants protection.

Ursine top

Species Skill Description
  Slash ½   Slash your foe with your claws.
  Bite ½ 10 Bite your foe to recover health.
  Defy Pain   30 You take no damage for the next few seconds.
Arctodus Rending Maul 15 Beast. Make your foe bleed with a fierce mauling.
Black Bear Enfeebling Roar 25 Beast. Roar fiercely, weakening nearby foes.
  Enfeebling Maul 20 Beast. Maul your foe, weakening them.
Brown Bear Shake It Off ½ 25 Beast. Cure a condition on yourself and all nearby allies.
  Purge Conditions   30 Beast. Purge all conditions from yourself.
Murellow Poison Cloud 25 Beast. Emit a noxious cloud that poisons and damages foes.
  Poisonous Maul 20 Beast. Maul your foe fiercely and poison them.
Polar Bear Icy Roar 30 Beast. Roar fiercely, freezing nearby foes.
  Icy Maul 30 Beast. Maul your foe fiercely and chill them.

Wallow top

Species Skill Description
  Vampiric Bite ¼   Bite your foe, siphoning health.
  Maul 1 12 Maul your foes and make them bleed.
  Undead Plague 1 20 Emit noxious fumes that poisons foes in the area. Poison duration is increased on disabled foes.
Wallow Bloodthirsty Charge 25 Beast. Charge into a foe, pushing them back and causing them to bleed.

Warclaw top

Species Skill Description
  Slash ½   Slash at your foe.
  Battle Maul 15 Pounce on foes.
  Bop 1 25 Ready a powerful thwack to knock down your enemy.
Warclaw Rallying Roar ½ 30 Beast. Let out a noble roar, granting superspeed to nearby allies.

Wyvern top

Species Skill Description
  Wing Swipe   1 Swipe at your foes.
  Tail Lash ½ 12 Sweep your foes along the ground, crippling them.
  Wing Buffet 25 Launch your foe backward with mighty wing beats.
Electric Wyvern Lightning Assault ¾ 30 Beast. Charge forward, headbutting foes and electrifying its destination.
Fire Wyvern Consuming Flame 25 Beast. Channel an expanding stream of flame from above. When the engulfed region reaches its full size, it becomes a fire field.

Druid top

Druid can generate astral force by healing allies and damaging foes. Druid become a Celestial avatar once he gains enough astral force.

  Skill Description
Celestial Avatar   20 Consume your accumulated astral force to become a celestial avatar.
Cosmic Ray ½   Celestial Avatar. Call down energy onto the targeted area to heal allies.
Seed of Life   4 Celestial Avatar. Summon a seed that heals and cleanses nearby allies of conditions when it blossoms.
Lunar Impact ¾ 8 Celestial Avatar. Call down a massive lunar beam to heal allies and daze foes.
Rejuvenating Tides 8 Celestial Avatar. Gather tidal force to rapidly heal nearby allies.
Natural Convergence 10 Celestial Avatar. Channel your celestial powers, pulsing cripple and slow. Once the channel ends, any foes still within its radius will be trapped by a black hole, immobilizing them.
Cosmic Ray ½   Celestial Avatar. Call down energy onto the targeted area to heal allies.
Seed of Life   4 Celestial Avatar. Summon a seed that heals and cleanses nearby allies of conditions when it blossoms.
Lunar Impact ¾ 5 Celestial Avatar. Call down a massive lunar beam to heal allies and daze foes.
Rejuvenating Tides 8 Celestial Avatar. Gather tidal force to rapidly heal nearby allies.
Natural Convergence 10 Celestial Avatar. Channel your celestial powers, pulsing cripple and slow. Once the channel ends, any foes still within its radius will be trapped by a black hole, immobilizing them.

Soulbeast top

Soulbeast is an elite specialization that enables Ranger to merge with his pets through Beastmode. Beastmode replaces pet control skills with new ones based on the pet family. Soulbeasts categorize pets by archetypes. The pet archetype defines the bonuses a Soulbeast will get when using Beast Mode, as well as the Soulbeast Beast skill, which defaults to F3.

Soulbeast Mode Skills

Family Skill Description
Armor Fish Protection   30 Apply protection to yourself.
  Chomp ½ 12 Chomp your foe to deal damage and heal yourself.
Bee Bumble ¾ 24 Charge at your enemy, knocking them down.
  Stinging Sorrow 1 20 Unleash a flurry of rage-filled jabs.
Bird Swoop ½ 18 Swoop at your foe, making them vulnerable.
  Quickening Screech   15 Grant swiftness to nearby allies and remove movement-impairing conditions from them.
Bristleback Rain of Spikes ¾ 18 Launch spikes at all nearby foes.
  Sharpen Spines   30 Next several hits apply extra bleeding stacks.
Burrowing Shark Lunge ¾ 12 Lunge forward, crippling opponents in the path.
  Ley-Line Vortex 20 Spin around, creating a vortex of ley-line energy around you that strikes and inflicts conditions on enemies.
Canine Crippling Leap 1 10 Leap at your foe and cripple them.
  Brutal Charge ¾ 20 Leap at your foe and knock them down.
Chak Electrocute ½ 10 Zap enemies in the target area with electric beams.
  Spit Goop ¾ 15 Spit goop toward your target, crippling enemies.
Devourer Tail Lash ½ 20 Push a nearby foe back with your tail.
  Devourer Retreat ¾ 15 Retreat by tunneling through the ground.
Drake Chomp ½ 10 Bite a foe and gain health.
  Tail Swipe ½ 15 Attack all surrounding foes with a tail swipe.
Feline Bite ½ 8 Bite your foe for severe damage.
  Maul   16 Slash a foe multiple times and make them bleed.
  Phase Pounce ¾ 15 Leap through a rift in the Mists, shadowstepping briefly to the target's location and inflicting damage and conditions.
Gazelle Kick ½ 8 Kick your enemy.
  Charge 1 12 Charge at your target.
Iboga Crippling Anguish ½ 10 Launch a projectile that inflicts conditions.
  Narcotic Spores ¾ 15 Spit a glob of confusing spores at a foe, inflicting confusion for a while at that location.
Jacaranda Call Lightning ¾ 15 Calls lightning to a small area.
  Photosynthesize 1 20 Restore health, gain regeneration, and remove conditions.
Jellyfish Healing Cloud ¼ 25 Release a cloud of mist to regenerate you and your allies.
  Dark Water 1 40 Blind foes near your target with a dark cloud.
Kryptis Staring Void ¾ 12 Blast demonic energy in front of you, inflicting conditions on enemies it hits.
  Tormenting Visions 15 Send distressing thoughts to your enemy to torment them.
Moa Harmonic Cry ½ 25 Heal yourself and nearby allies.
  Frenzied Attack 1 20 Attack with a pecking frenzy and make your foe vulnerable.
Phoenix Dash ½ 15 Charge forward, leaving behind a trail of wind energy that detonates shortly afterward.
  Wing Buffet ½ 25 Launch your foe backward with mighty wing beats.
Porcine Maul ½ 15 Maul your foes and make them bleed.
  Brutal Charge ¾ 30 Charge your foe and knock them down.
Shark Charging Bite 20 Charge your foe, striking multiple times and inflicting bleeding.
  Fear ½ 40 Make your foe flee in fear.
Smokescale Takedown ¾ 10 Cripple your target with a powerful strike.
  Smoke Assault   20 Conceal yourself and lash out at nearby foes. Gain might each time you damage a foe.
Spider Entangling Web ½ 20 Shoot a web, immobilizing your foe.
  Poison Gas ½ 15 Spit a ball of venom that covers an area with a poisonous cloud.
Turtle Slam ¾ 25 Leap and knock nearby foes back.
  Heavy Shot 1 20 Shoot a jade missile at your target that dazes nearby enemies on impact.
Ursine Bite ½ 10 Bite your foe to recover health.
  Defy Pain ¼ 40 You receive no damage from incoming attacks. You remain susceptible to conditions and controlling effects.
Wallow Maul ½ 15 Maul your foes and make them bleed.
  Undead Plague ½ 20 Emit noxious fumes that poisons foes in the area. Poison duration is increased on disabled foes.
Warclaw Battle Maul 1 10 Pounce on foes.
  Bop ½ 20 Smack your foe to knock them down.
Wyvern Tail Lash ½ 12 Sweep your foes along the ground, crippling them.
  Wing Buffet ½ 25 Launch your foe backward with mighty wing beats.

Pet Archetypes top

Archetype Skill Description
Deadly Primal Cry 20 Beast. Tap into your primal essence and unleash a debilitating roar.
Ferocious Worldly Impact ¾ 25 Beast. Jump up and slam the ground beneath you, severely damaging nearby foes.
Stout Unflinching Fortitude   50 Beast. Shrug off all movement-impairing conditions and become unflinching in the face of normal attacks.
Supportive Spiritual Reprieve 1 35 Beast. Restore health to your allies and grant them a reprieve from conditions.
Versatile Prelude Lash ¼ 25 Beast. Pull foes toward you and bind them briefly.
Single species families

Untamed top

Untamed has a primal bond with nature and his pet that can be unleashed. The unleashed pet gains new powerfull nature-based skills that weaken enemies. The unleashed Ranger gains full control over his pet's skills and gains access to special Unleashed Ambush skills for a short period of time after being unleashed.

  Skill Description
Unleash Pet   1 Unleash your pet to draw on the raw power of its bond with nature, granting it new abilities.
Unleash Ranger   1 Unleash the raw power of your primal bond with nature and your pet, enhancing your offensive power.
Unleashed Pet
Venomous Outburst   10 Your pet teleports to your target and lashes out, poisoning enemies and applying vulnerability to disabled or defiant enemies.
Disables include stun, daze, knock back, pull, knock down, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Rending Vines   15 Your pet strikes nearby enemies with vines, removing boons. Disabled or defiant enemies are also slowed.
Disables include stun, daze, knock back, pull, knock down, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Enveloping Haze   25 Summon a swirling spore cloud around your pet, destroying projectiles and chilling disabled or defiant enemies.
Disables include stun, daze, knock back, pull, knock down, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Unleashed Ranger
Savage Slash ¾   Unleashed Ambush. Attack in an area around you, creating a spore under each enemy struck.
Relentless Whirl 2   Unleashed Ambush. Spin and attack nearby foes, moving faster while channeling. Create a spore when striking an enemy for the first time.
Multishot ¾   Unleashed Ambush. Fire arrows at your target and other enemies near your target. Striking an enemy reduces the recharge of other longbow skills.
Toxic Shot ¾   Unleashed Ambush. Fire three arrows that explode on impact, inflicting poison on enemies in the area. Inflict additional conditions on enemies who are already poisoned.
Ravager's Abandon ¾   Unleashed Ambush. Release a wave of corruption in front of you, damaging enemies and spawning spores under targets struck.
Solar Brilliance 1   Unleashed Ambush. Enchant yourself with solar energy, healing nearby allies and damaging nearby enemies over time.
Sundering Volley ¾   Unleashed Ambush. Throw multiple axes at nearby enemies, inflicting conditions.
Neurotoxin Burst ¾   Unleashed Ambush. Shadowstep behind your target and unleash a burst of toxic spores.
Rampant Growth ¾   Unleashed Ambush. Strike the ground with your mace, creating a cascade of verdant growth that immobilizes targets struck and heals nearby allies. Gain Nature's Strength if you hit an enemy.
This skill cannot activate Force of Nature.
Deft Strike ¾   Unleashed Ambush. Leap forward and strike the ground, creating a spore under each enemy struck.
Jagged Fan 1   Unleashed Ambush. Fire a piercing spread of harpoons that inflicts conditions on enemies.
Vicious Pike ¾   Unleashed Ambush. Spin and strike foes repeatedly. The final attack creates a spore under targets it strikes.
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