Warrior : Bursts


Adrenaline is the Warrior profession's unique mechanic. As the Warrior attacks, adrenaline is built up and can be spent on a single powerful burst attack. Each weapon set has a single burst skill which has a variety of different conditions that improve with more adrenaline. Adrenaline has three levels, and each adrenaline level increases the effect of the burst skill, and can also provide the Warrior with other improvements like increased damage or health regeneration.

  Skill Description
Arcing Slice ½ 8 Burst. Deliver a circular attack to foes around you, and gain fury. Deal more damage to foes with low health.
Earthshaker ¾ 8 Burst. Jump to the targeted location and slam your hammer down, damaging and stunning foes.
Combustive Shot ¾ 8 Burst. Ignite target area, burning nearby foes. Effect increases with adrenaline level.
Kill Shot 8 Burst. Fire a powerful shot. Damage increases with adrenaline level. Deal increased damage to enemies that are affected by crowd control or below the health threshold.
Harrier's Toss ½ 8 Burst. Jump up and throw a spear at your targeted location, dealing damage in an area. Damage dealt is increased with adrenaline level, and the opponent closest to the epicenter takes additional damage.
Path to Victory ½ 8 Burst. Carve a path to victory, dealing damage to enemies in front of you while healing and granting regeneration to nearby allies.
Eviscerate ¾ 8 Burst. Leap at your foe with a devastating attack. Effect increases with adrenaline level. Gain might if this attack hits.
Breaching Strike ¾ 6 Burst. Strike your target and remove boons. Deal more damage if your target has no boons.
Skull Crack ½ 8 Burst. Stun your foe with a skull crack. Effect increases with adrenaline level.
Flurry 8 Burst. Immobilize your foes with a flurry of bleeding strikes. Effect increases with adrenaline level.
Forceful Shot 8 Burst. Fire a forceful shot. Damage increases with adrenaline level.
Whirling Strike ¾ 8 Burst. Strike all foes around you. Effect increases with adrenaline level.

Berserker top

Berserker is an elite specialization for the Warrior that focuses on adrenaline and adds a new berserk mode that gives access to primal bursts instead of usual burst skills.

  Skill Description
Berserk   15 Rage. Gain adrenaline, an attack-speed boost, and access to primal burst skills.
Arc Divider ¾ 5 Primal Burst. Spin to create a violent shock wave that damages nearby foes.
Rupturing Smash ¾ 5 Primal Burst. Jump to the targeted location and slam your hammer down, creating a deadly chain of earthen shock waves that immobilize and daze foes.
Scorched Earth ½ 5 Primal Burst. Fire a burning shot into the ground that creates a trail of flaming destruction.
Gun Flame ¾ 5 Primal Burst. Fire a fast, flaming shot that explodes on the first foe it hits, interrupting foes in the area.
Wild Throw 5 Primal Burst. Throw several piercing spears that inflict vulnerability in quick succession.
Rampart Splitter ½ 5 Primal Burst. Slam your staff on the ground, sending a shock wave forward that damages and immobilizes enemies while inspiring nearby allies, healing and granting regeneration to them.
Decapitate ¾ 5 Primal Burst. Gather your strength into a powerful attack. If it hits, gain might and recharge this skill.
Slicing Maelstrom ½ 5 Primal Burst. Slice nearby enemies, removing boons and gaining adrenaline per boon removed. Deal more damage if your target has no boons.
Skull Grinder ½ 5 Primal Burst. Unleash a powerful skull strike that dazes your target and inflicts multiple conditions.
Flaming Flurry 2 5 Primal Burst. Lash out with a flurry of strikes that block missiles and shoot fireballs at foes in front of you.
Burning Shackles 5 Primal Burst. Fire a fast, forceful shot that immobilizes and burns foes.
Wild Whirl ¾ 5 Primal Burst. Strike all foes around you, burning and pulling them in.

Spellbreaker top

Spellbreaker is an elite specialization for the Warrior that focuses on meditation skills and enables the Full Counter skill at F2 slot. Maximum adrenaline is capped at 2 bars, and only level 1 bursts are available.

  Skill Description
Full Counter 14 Burst. Absorb the next attack against you and counterattack all foes around you. Foes struck by the counter attack are interrupted.

Bladesworn top

Bladesworn gains access to the Gunsaber as an alternate weapon set, but lose the ability to swap to other weapon sets during combat. Adrenaline is replaced with flow.

  Skill Description
Unsheathe Gunsaber   10 Unsheathe your gunsaber to gain new skills. Changes to your weapon recharge rate affect this skill.
Swift Cut ½   Chain. Slash your foe, then fire off a ranged shot. Foes hit by the initial attack take less damage from the follow-up shot.
  Steel Divide ½   Chain. Swing your gunsaber and fire a second shot. Foes hit by the initial attack take less damage from the follow-up shot.
  Explosive Thrust ½   Chain. Hit your foe with a final, brutal stab, and fire a shot that causes a secondary explosion. Foes hit by the initial attack take less damage from the follow-up shot.
Blooming Fire ¾ 2 Slash with your blade and fire a grenade shell that shatters on impact, releasing a series of explosions.
Artillery Slash ¾   Consume all charges to launch a single shell from your sword that explodes on the first enemy hit. Deals bonus damage and applies different effects based on the amount of charges consumed.
Cyclone Trigger ½ 1 Spin and block enemy projectiles. Strikes all foes in melee range, then fires shots at foes out of melee range.
Break Step ¼ 1 Lunge forward with explosive force, damaging enemies at your starting position.
Dragon Trigger ¼ 8 Prepare to use Dragon Slash. While channeling, you drain flow. Each interval increases the charge level of Dragon Slash. This skill is canceled if you move.
Dragon Slash - Force ½ 1 Burst. Slash foes in front of you, ending Dragon Trigger. This attack consumes all charges to deal more damage.
Dragon Slash - Boost ½ 1 Burst. Dash forward while slashing all foes in a line, ending Dragon Trigger. This attack consumes all charges to deal more damage.
Dragon Slash - Reach ½ 1 Burst. Slash to create a blade of air that strikes foes in a line in front of you, ending Dragon Trigger. This attack consumes all charges to deal more damage.
Triggerguard   1 Gain aegis.
Using this skill will not end Dragon Trigger.
Flicker Step   ½ Blink to a location.
Using this skill will not end Dragon Trigger.
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