Revenant : Specializations

Corruption top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Invoking Torment   Release a burst of torment energy when you switch legends.
Acolyte of Torment   Torment deals increased damage.
Demonic Defiance 5 Gain resistance and remove a damaging condition when you use a Legendary Demon skill.
Replenishing Despair   While maintaining an upkeep skill, your energy pips are increased, but you apply torment to yourself every interval.
Tier: Master
Seething Malice   Your condition damage is increased.
Abyssal Chill   When you chill a foe, you also inflict torment on them.
Demonic Resistance   Incoming strike damage is reduced while you have resistance on you.
Pact of Pain   Conditions you apply to foes last longer, but conditions applied to you also last longer.
Tier: Grandmaster
Yearning Empowerment   Damaging conditions you apply last longer.
Diabolic Inferno   Invoke Torment applies poison and burning.
Fiendish Tenacity   Invoke Torment grants resistance. Resistance heals you every interval.
Permeating Pestilence   Invoke Torment transfers conditions from you onto foes.

Retribution top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Enduring Recovery   Gain increased endurance recovery.
Planar Protection 30 Cast Dome of the Mists when you use a healing skill.
Close Quarters   Reduce strike damage dealt to you from foes beyond the range threshold.
Spiritual Reckoning   Gain resolution when you use invoke a legend.
Tier: Master
Unwavering Avoidance 5 Gain vigor when successfully evading an attack.
Set in Stone   Gain protection when you use your profession skill 2.
This trait affects True Nature when you are a herald.
Resolute Evasion   Gain resolution after you dodge.
Dwarven Battle Training   Deal increased strike damage to weakened foes. Disabling a foe applies weakness. Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, fear, taunt, and launch.
Tier: Grandmaster
Determined Resolution   Strike damage taken is reduced by a percentage while you have resolution.
Vicious Reprisal 1 While you have resolution, all damage dealt is increased, and you gain might when you strike foes. Resolution granted to you lasts longer.
Versed in Stone 90 Rite of the Great Dwarf affects condition damage as well. When struck below the health threshold, cast the Rite of the Great Dwarf. Gain power based on your toughness.
Steadfast Rejuvenation   Heal every second for each point of upkeep currently in use.

Salvation top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Healer's Gift   The end of your dodge roll heals nearby allies.
Invoking Harmony   Healing done to other allies is increased for a short duration after invoking a legend.
Blinding Truths 10 Blind nearby foes when you use a healing skill.
Eluding Nullification   The end of your dodge roll removes a condition from nearby allies.
Tier: Master
Life Attunement   Gain healing power. Gain concentration based on a portion of your healing power.
Words of Censure ¼ Blinding, immobilizing, or affecting a foe with crowd control heals nearby allies. Skills that strike many foes at the same time can heal multiple times.
Resilient Spirit   Periodically gain barrier for each unique boon you have.
Fortified Blessing ¼ Grant protection when you remove a condition from an ally.
Tier: Grandmaster
Serene Rejuvenation   Increase healing to other allies. Legendary Centaur skills apply boons in an area.
Generous Abundance   Heal allies around yourself when using a Legend skill. Heal allies around Ventari's Tablet when using a Legendary Centaur skill. Dragon Facet skills and Ventari's Will cannot activate this trait.
Unyielding Devotion   Take reduced strike damage for a duration after healing. Lasts longer if you heal an ally other than yourself.
Invigorating Dismissal   Grant endurance when you remove a condition from an ally.

Invocation top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Invoker's Rage 10 Gain fury when you invoke a legend.
Cleansing Channel   Invoking a legend removes a condition.
Rising Tide   While your health is above the threshold, strike damage dealt is increased.
Glaring Resolve   Gain stability and heal yourself when you break stuns.
Tier: Master
Ferocious Aggression   All damage dealt is increased while you have fury.
Spirit Boon   Invoking a legend grants boons to nearby allies based on the legend that was invoked.
Rapid Flow 5 Heal yourself and gain swiftness when you use a skill that has an energy cost.
Incensed Response   Gain might when you grant yourself fury.
Tier: Grandmaster
Contained Temper   Gain energy when you break stun.
Song of the Mists   Invoking a legend casts a skill based on the legend you invoked.
Charged Mists   Invoking a legend while at or below the energy threshold grants extra energy to your new legend.
Roiling Mists   Critical-hit chance is further increased while you are under the effect of fury.

Devastation top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Expose Defenses   Your first attack when entering combat applies vulnerability. This ability is refreshed when you use an elite skill.
Aggressive Agility   Movement skills grant resistance.
Unsuspecting Strikes   Deal increased strike damage to foes with health above the health threshold.
Battle Scarred   Siphon health after using your healing skill.
Tier: Master
Destructive Impulses   All damage dealt is increased, and increased additionally if you have an off-hand weapon equipped.
Assassin's Presence 10 While you are in combat, grant fury to yourself and nearby allies each interval.
Notoriety   Might grants you more power and less condition damage. Gain might when using a legendary stance skill.
Thrill of Combat   Gain stacks of Battle Scars while in combat.
Tier: Grandmaster
Targeted Destruction   Deal increased strike damage to targets based on their vulnerability stacks.
Brutality 9 Gain quickness when you swap weapons. While you have quickness, your strikes remove stability. This removal effect can only occur once per interval on each target.
Swift Termination   Deal increased strike damage to foes below the health threshold.
Dance of Death   Applying vulnerability to foes grants stacks of Battle Scars. The healing from Battle Scars is increased while you are below the health threshold.

Herald Elite Specialization top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Crystal Harbinger   You can now use Legendary Dragon skills and gain access to Facet of Nature.
Elder's Respite 10 Regeneration heals for more. Gain regeneration when struck while below the health threshold.
Core Value   Improve the effects of the True Nature skill.
Rising Momentum   Gain increased movement speed for each point of upkeep currently in use.
Tier: Master
Draconic Fortitude   Gain increased maximum health.
Shared Empowerment 1 When you apply a boon to an ally, also apply might to nearby allies.
Shining Aspects   Using a consume skill heals you.
Hardening Persistence   Strike damage taken is reduced for each point of upkeep currently in use. Shield skills remove conditions.
Tier: Grandmaster
Reinforced Potency   Gain concentration and deal increased strike damage for each active boon you have.
Elevated Compassion   Heal allies when you grant them boons. Grant boons to allies when your upkeep cost is equal to or higher than the threshold.
An ally can only be affected by this skill once per interval.
Draconic Echo   You retain your facet passives for a duration after using their consume skills. Your facet passives grant you additional bonuses.
Forceful Persistence   Deal increased strike damage with active upkeep skills. Herald and weapon upkeep skills grant less damage but can be stacked.

Renegade Elite Specialization top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Ambush Commander   When you critically strike, attack your enemies from behind or their flanks, or strike a defiant foe, you'll inspire yourself with Kalla's Fervor.
Gain access to Citadel Order skills.
Ashen Demeanor 3 Disabling a foe cripples your enemy, which leaves them vulnerable and inspires you with Kalla's Fervor.
Blood Fury 3 Fury increases the duration of bleeds you inflict. Gaining fury inspires you with Kalla's Fervor.
Wrought-Iron Will 3 Evading an attack inspires you with Kalla's Fervor and grants boons to nearby allies.
Tier: Master
Endless Enmity 8 Gain fury to yourself and nearby allies when you critically strike a foe.
Bold Reversal   When you use a heal skill, gain resistance.
Heartpiercer   Bleeding you inflict deals more damage.
All for One   Using Legendary Renegade abilities grants protection to allies near the summoned warband member. Gain increased strike damage whenever you use a Legendary Renegade skill.
Tier: Grandmaster
Brutal Momentum 8 Gain increased critical-hit chance. This bonus is increased further while your endurance is full. Gain vigor when you gain fury.
Vindication   Kalla's Fervor causes you to heal for a percentage of your outgoing damage. Citadel Bombardment pulls more missiles into Tyria for every stack of Kalla's Fervor affecting you.
Lasting Legacy   Kalla's Fervor you inspire lasts longer and is more potent. Heroic Command grants more might per stack of Kalla's Fervor.
Righteous Rebel   Kalla's Fervor reduces the damage you receive from conditions. Orders from Above lasts longer and affects more targets and a larger area.

Vindicator Elite Specialization top

Trait Description
Tier: Adept
Tenacious Ruin   Instead of dodging, deliver a powerful blow from above, striking foes when you hit the ground.
Leviathan Strength   Deal increased damage while your endurance is not full.
Amnesty of Shing Jea   Legendary Alliance abilities gain an additional bonus. Activating Energy Meld or Alliance Tactics grants both of these bonuses simultaneously at greater amounts to nearby allies.
Kurzick abilities grant regeneration.
Luxon abilities grant might.
Redemptor's Sermon 90 When struck while below the health threshold, heal allies in the area and cleanse their conditions.
Tier: Master
Balance in Discord   Gain health and boons when swapping legends, or by using Alliance Tactics while attuned to the Legendary Alliance.
Reaver's Curse   Energy Meld's cooldown is reduced and it increases the effectiveness of your next dodge.
Angsiyan's Trust   Energy Meld no longer has an energy cost and grants energy when used in combat.
Song of Arboreum   Energy Meld grants more endurance and grants its endurance and vigor to nearby allies.
Tier: Grandmaster
Empire Divided   Gain increased power while above the health threshold. Gain increased healing power when below it.
Forerunner of Death   Dodging now deals more damage but affects a smaller area. Outgoing strike damage is increased for a period of time upon impact.
Vassals of the Empire   Dodging now grants boons to allies and strikes foes when landing.
Saint of zu Heltzer   The affected area of your dodge is increased. You now heal allies in an area when you land instead of dealing damage. Outgoing healing is increased for a period of time upon landing.
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