Perform a wide swing that removes boons from foes. Gain soul shards and might for each target struck.
- Damage: 5982.25
- 5
- First Hit Might (8 sec): +150 Power; +150 Condition Damage
- Additional Hit Might (8 sec): +30 Power; +30 Condition Damage
- Weakness (3 sec): -50% Endurance Regeneration, +50% Fumble (Unrestricted)
- 2
- Soul Shards (10 sec): Striking an enemy with Perforate siphons health from them.
- Boons Removed: 3
- First-Hit Life Force: 12%
- Additional-Hit Life Force: 2%
- Number of Targets: 5
- Combo Finisher: Whirl
- Range: 240